Accepted papers

  • Desenvolvimento de Artefatos Educacionais para o Letramento Digital de Pessoas Idosas: Trabalhando com IHC na disciplina de Tecnologias na Educação - Taciana Pontual Falcão (Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco)
  • Design Critique: Promovendo a Reflexão em Ação em Projetos Práticos de IHC - Ticianne Darin (Universidade Federal do Ceará)
  • Design Ético em Black Mirror: Identificando e discutindo Padrões Obscuros em IHC - Yuska Paola Costa Aguiar (Universidade Federal da Paraíba)
  • Explorando - com massinha de modelar - o processo de design em IHC&UX - Milene Silveira (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul)
  • GamifiCHI: Emblemas Tematizados - Milene Silveira (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul), Roberto Pereira (Universidade Federal do Paraná) e Kamila Rodrigues (Universidade de São Paulo)
  • Ideando e visualizando grupo de usuários: dos personagens às proto-personas - Luciana Zaina (Universidade Federal de São Carlos)
  • O que as aplicações querem saber sobre nós? Prática de inspeção de Transparência de Dados Pessoais - Thiago Coleti (Universidade Estadual do Norte Paraná) e Marcelo Morandini (Universidade de São Paulo)
  • O que esperar de Interação Humano-Computador? Explorando visões dos pesquisadores sêniores da área - Isabela Gasparini (Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina)
  • Passa-ou-Repassa de IHC: Uma Revisão Divertida dos Conteúdos Estudados - Ticianne Darin (Universidade Federal do Ceará)
  • Prova em Teia: Avaliando o Conhecimento Teórico de IHC com Modelos Conceituais - Ticianne Darin (Universidade Federal do Ceará)

Call for Papers

The Workshop on Education in Human-Computer Interaction (WEIHC), which will take place during IHC'23, is the main Brazilian forum in which teachers, scientists, and students in theof HCI field, among other people interested in the theme, have a space to (re)think and share experiences, methods, and didactic tools for the teaching and learning of HCI.

Aligned with the theme of IHC'23 - "Weaving the interfaces between the physical and the virtual" - our space will be dedicated to hands-on activities focused mainly on the dissemination of practices to be used in the classroom.

We consider that more in-depth articles on experiences in the teaching of HCI will be submitted to the Experience Reports Track. This year, we will work with the submission of practices used in the classroom in order to generate a digital book to be made available to the community. During the event, these practices will be discussed and experimented by the participants.

Submission Instructions

Submissions are not anonymous, so the names of the authors must be included. The practices should be written in Portuguese, following a specific template (to be made available soon), which will include the following items:

  • Practice Name
  • Topic (What is it about?)
  • Objective (For what?)
  • Materials (What materials are needed?)
  • Method (How to use it in class?)
  • Evaluation (How to evaluate? if applied to the case)
  • Use Experience (How many times has it been applied? How many classes/students have participated? In what teaching modality? What were the lessons learned?)

Submissions should contain 4 to 6 pages (including all the items previously exposed). The authors must submit their contributions electronically, using the JEMS system, in PDF format.

Review Process

Each submission will be reviewed by at least two HCI experts. The practices will be selected for publication as a chapter in the mentioned book based on the quality of the work and the detail that leads to reflection and possible replication of use.


At least one author must register and present the work during the Workshop, in a format, location, and time to be defined by the coordination for insertion of the article in the book.


The presentations of the practices must be made in person during the event, and specific instructions will be given to the authors at an opportune moment.

Program Committee

  • Isabela Gasparini (UDESC)
  • Luciana Aparecida Martinez Zaina (UFSCar)
  • Milene Selbach Silveira (PUCRS)
  • Roberto Pereira (UFPR)


Isabela Gasparini (UDESC) – isabela.gasparini@udesc.br

Milene Selbach Silveira (PUCRS) – milene.silveira@pucrs.br


Article submission: 07/21/2023 (before 07/14/2023)

Notification of results: 08/14/2023

Submission of the final version: 08/31/2023

Presentation at the event: specific date during the event (to be defined)