Accepted works

  • Systematic mapping of technologies for supporting choreographic composition (Iago Dornelas, Rodrigo Seabra)
  • Adapting codesign techniques for the construction of a learning environment of a written second language for the D/deaf (Polianna Paim, Soraia Prietch, J. Alfredo Sánchez)
  • Investigating the Influence of Different Factors on the UX Evaluation of a Mobile Application Walter Nakamura, Leonardo Marques, David Redmiles, Elaine Oliveira, Tayana Conte
  • Human-Computer Integration as an Extension of Interaction: Understanding Its State-of-the-Art and the Next Challenges (Glívia Barbosa, Ulisses Fernandes, Natália Santos, Raquel Prates)
  • Analyzing Accessibility Reviews Associated with Visual Disabilities or Eye Conditions (Alberto Oliveira, Paulo Santos, Wilson Marcílio-Jr, Wajdi Aljedaani, Danilo Eler, Marcelo Eler)
  • End-User Development Landscape: A Tour into Tailoring Software Research (Claiton Correa, Milene Silveira)
  • Privacy Threat MOdeling Language (Andrey Rodrigues, Maria Villela, Eduardo Feitosa)
  • May the patterns be with you: a framework for HCI patterns development (Diego Moreira da Rosa, Milene Silveira)
  • What factors affect the UX in mobile apps? A systematic mapping study on the analysis of app store reviews (Walter Nakamura, Edson Oliveira, Elaine Oliveira, David Redmiles, Tayana Conte)
  • Usability Evaluation of a Brazilian Dam Safety Data Exploration Platform: a Consolidation of Results from User Tests and Heuristic Evaluation (Bruna Capeleti, Caroline Queiroz Santos, Jaqueline de Souza, Andre Freire)
  • A Summary of: Design and Evaluation of an Authoring Platform for Therapeutic Digital Games (Kamila Rodrigues, Vania Almeida Neris, Rodrigo Zavarizz, Jonattan da Silva, Tiago Marino, Aline Verhalen, Paula Souza)

Call for Papers

The International Articles track of IHC'23 aims to provide a forum for discussing papers published in international journals or conferences on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).

Thus, the track invites all individuals with an interest in disseminating their accepted or published work in international journals/conferences and who wish to integrate it into the Brazilian HCI community, increasing visibility for all those who work in the field, whether inside or outside Brazil.

Selection Criteria

The selection of papers will be made by a committee to be announced, according to the criteria presented below:

  • Works accepted/published from 2022 to 2023;
  • Relevance of the contribution of the work to the Brazilian HCI community;
  • Papers that have been accepted/published in international journals and magazines, with rigorous evaluation policies based on the evaluation of the full paper by a well-recognized program committee in the field and that have not had the opportunity to be presented to the Brazilian HCI community. Examples of vehicles: TOCHI, TACCESS, Interactions, Interacting with Computers, Behaviour & Information Technology, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, UAIS;
  • Papers that have been accepted/published in the international journal Journal on Interactive Systems (JIS), provided they are not extended versions of papers previously published in previous IHCs;
  • Papers that have been accepted/published in high-quality international conferences, with rigorous evaluation policies based on the evaluation of the full paper by a well-recognized program committee in the field and that are relevant to the Brazilian HCI community. Examples of vehicles: CHI, CSCW, ECSCW, NordiCHI, Interact, EICS, IUI, DIS, ASSETS, W4A, CHI PLAY.

Submission Instructions

Authors should submit their papers electronically in PDF format using the JEMS system, including all the items listed below, in free format:

  1. Title: It can be the same as the accepted/published work;
  2. Abstract: It can be the same as the accepted/published work;
  3. Publication venue: Complete reference in ACM format;
  4. Link to Original Paper: valid link to Original Paper;
  5. Original paper (in pdf format) attached via JEMS;
  6. Why would you like to present this work to the IHC community?;
  7. Has any work related to this project been published in Brazilian events? If so, specify. This information will not be used for disqualification, but rather to identify works/projects that have been presented at early stages but whose continuity has not been seen by the Brazilian community.

Important: Authors are responsible for ensuring that their submission does not infringe the copyrights of the accepted/published work.

Final Version

The expanded abstracts will be published in the extended proceedings of IHC'23 in the SBC OpenLib (SOL).


For IHC'23, the presentations of selected papers will take place in a specific session addressing related topics, methods used, experience with submission processes and reviewer comments, among others. Thus, emphasis will be given to the integration of papers published in international journals/conferences with other works from the Brazilian HCI community and to discussions between authors and participants in the presentation session. With this, we hope to foster the dissemination of works and the experience with submission processes in international venues.

Program Committee

  • André de Oliveira - Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • André Freire -Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Andrey Rodrigues - Universidade Federal do Amazonas
  • Angela Peres - Universidade de Ciências Da Saúde de Alagoas
  • Antúlio Oliveira - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Emanuel Felipe Duarte - Universidade de Campinas
  • Fabrizzio Soares Alves de Melo Nunes Soares - Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Fábio Henrique Oliveira - Instituto Federal de Brasília
  • Fernanda Lima - Universidade de Brasília
  • George Valença - Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • Guilherme Guerino - Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Jean Rosa - ITI/LARSyS
  • Kamila Rodrigues - USP
  • Luciana Zaina - UFSCar
  • Maria Amelia Eliseo - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Milene Silveira - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS
  • Roberto Pereira - Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Rodrigo Seabra - Universidade Federal de Itajubá
  • Saul Delabrida - Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
  • Soraia Prietch - Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis
  • Talita Britto Pichiliani - Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Tiago Barros Pontes e Silva - Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
  • Vânia Almeida Neris - UFSCar
  • Walter Nakamura - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná


Caroline Queiroz Santos (UFVJM) –
Luciana Cardoso de Castro Salgado (UFF) –


Submission Deadline: 6/12/2023

Notification: 8/04/2023

Final version: 8/18/2023 (was 8/11/2023)