Check out the categories and registration fees

This event is organized by the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC). SBC is a non-profit civil association that promotes the technological and scientific development of the country and is the largest computing society in South America.

The registration fees for IHC 2023 are listed below. We highlight that students and professionals who are not SBC members can join (or renew their membership) during the registration process. Registering with SBC membership is the most advantageous option for non-SBC members. Check out the benefits of becoming an SBC member.

Price Table

Graduation student
Graduation student
Student associated with SBC with current annuity

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 90,00
Until 10/02
R$ 105,00
Until 10/20
R$ 120,00
Graduation student
COMBO (Registration and Membership)
Student associated with SBC with membership expiring within 90 days (Best option: COMBO event registration + SBC membership renewal)

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 90,00
Until 10/02
R$ 105,00
Until 10/20
R$ 120,00
R$ 28,94
Graduation student
COMBO (Registration and Membership)
Non-associated student or with expired SBC membership (Best option: COMBO event registration + SBC membership)

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 90,00
Until 10/02
R$ 105,00
Until 10/20
R$ 120,00
R$ 28,94
Graduation student
Non-SBC affiliated student (Event registration only)

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 128,00
Until 10/02
R$ 145,00
Until 10/20
R$ 161,00
Graduate student
Graduate student
SBC member with current membership

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 135,00
Until 10/02
R$ 150,00
Until 10/20
R$ 165,00
Graduate student
COMBO (Registration and Membership)
SBC member with membership expiring within 90 days (COMBO: event registration + SBC membership renewal)

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 135,00
Until 10/02
R$ 150,00
Until 10/20
R$ 165,00
R$ 118,18
Graduate student
COMBO (Registration and Membership)
Non-affiliated or with expired SBC membership (COMBO: event registration + SBC membership)

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 135,00
Until 10/02
R$ 150,00
Until 10/20
R$ 165,00
R$ 118,18
Graduate student
Non-SBC member (Event registration only)

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 267,00
Until 10/02
R$ 284,00
Until 10/20
R$ 300,00
Elementary education teacher
Elementary education teacher
SBC member with current membership

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 165,00
Until 10/02
R$ 180,00
Until 10/20
R$ 195,00
R$ 118,18
Elementary education teacher
COMBO (Registration and Membership)
SBC member with membership expiring within 90 days (COMBO: event registration + SBC membership renewal)

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 165,00
Until 10/02
R$ 180,00
Until 10/20
R$ 195,00
R$ 118,18
Elementary education teacher
COMBO (Registration and Membership)
Non-affiliated or with expired SBC membership (COMBO: event registration + SBC membership)

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 165,00
Until 10/02
R$ 180,00
Until 10/20
R$ 195,00
R$ 118,18
Elementary education teacher
Non-SBC member (Event registration only)

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 300,00
Until 10/02
R$ 317,00
Until 10/20
R$ 333,00
SBC member with current membership

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 215,00
Until 10/02
R$ 230,00
Until 10/20
R$ 245,00
COMBO (Registration and Membership)
SBC member with membership expiring within 90 days (COMBO: event registration + SBC membership renewal)

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 215,00
Until 10/02
R$ 230,00
Until 10/20
R$ 245,00
R$ 336,48
COMBO (Registration and Membership)
Non-affiliated or with expired SBC membership (COMBO: event registration + SBC membership)

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 215,00
Until 10/02
R$ 230,00
Until 10/20
R$ 245,00
R$ 336,48
Non-SBC member (Event registration only)

From 07/18 to 09/04
R$ 573,00
Until 10/02
R$ 590,00
Until 10/20
R$ 606,00

Verification of Chosen Category

At the time of registration in the ECOS system, for categories that require any type of documentation, the upload of proof confirming the chosen category will be required. The verification of this document may take up to 1 business day. Therefore, we suggest that, to avoid any inconvenience, you do not wait until the last day of the registration period. Only after validation by the SBC team, payment methods will be made available. The registered individual will receive informative emails at every stage of the progress of their registration for HCI 2023.

Author Registration

For each accepted paper in any of the tracks of HCI 2023:

  • It is necessary for at least one author to register by the deadline guided by the track coordinators.

  • If the article belongs to the "Research Papers," "Innovative Ideas and Emerging Results," "Experience Reports," or "Junia Coutinho Anacleto Award" track, and if the article is not covered by any registration in the Professional category, the ACM Publication Fee must be paid (R$ 100,00), also by the deadline guided by the track coordinators.

  • If the article is from the other tracks and there is more than one article associated with the same registration, it is necessary to pay the additional SOL publication fee (R$ 60,00).

  • Authors who register under institutional exemption must pay the Publication Fee for each article, even for a single article.

Policy for participants using institutional waiver (see:

Extra Publication

For articles accepted in the "Research Papers," "Innovative Ideas and Emerging Results," "Experience Reports," and "Junia Coutinho Anacleto Award" tracks: publication will be carried out by ACM and is contingent upon the registration, under the Professional category, of at least one of the individuals who participated in the authorship of the article; or, when there is no one registered in this category, upon payment of an additional publication fee, in addition to the registration. For the publication of more than one article linked to the same registration, an additional publication fee will also be charged for each additional article.

For the other tracks: publication will be conducted in SOL and is contingent upon the registration, in any category, of at least one of the individuals who participated in the authorship of the article. For the publication of more than one article linked to the same registration, an additional publication fee will also be charged for each additional article.

Caravan Discounts

The HCI 2023 organization will grant special discounts for student caravans (undergraduate or graduate). For every 10 (ten) registered and paid students in the same caravan, 2 (two) additional registrations will be provided free of charge (complimentary) in the same category as the paying participants. The complimentary registrations apply exclusively to the XXI Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computational Systems, meaning they do not include extra activities like workshops and mini-courses.

The steps for registering in Caravans are as follows:

  • Students participating in the caravan registration must register on ECOS and pay their registrations.

  • Participants eligible for the complimentary registrations should also register on ECOS, but do not need to make a payment.

  • After completing and paying the registrations, the caravan coordinator should send an email to with the subject "Caravan [your institution's name]," containing in the body of the message the list of students' names who are part of the group, indicating the names of the paid students and the names of the students eligible for complimentary registrations.

Payment Methods

Registration payments can be made via bank slip, credit card, Banco do Brasil account debit, purchase order, and billing, through the SBC registration system. Payments by bank slip and debit will close on October 10, 2023, while credit card payments, purchase orders, and billing will remain open until the last day of the event.

Registration by Purchase Order and Billing

Participants should access the ECOS system and complete the registration, selecting the payment method "purchase order" or "billing" and clicking on pay. The system will provide the necessary information to be included in the purchase order or billing request.

Cancellation Policy

Until October 9, 2023, a refund of 80% of the paid registration fee can be requested. After this date, no refund will be provided. This policy applies to both registration and any additional activities. To request a cancellation, please send a request to

Why Join SBC?

Becoming an SBC member is a way to strengthen the representation of our field within various sectors. How about joining us? Other reasons to become an SBC member include:

  • Access to Eduroam wireless network (for individuals only);

  • Access to RNP's FileSender;

  • Discounts on registrations for over 40 events held annually by SBC;

  • Minimum 15% discount on registrations for events supported by SBC;

  • Differentiated registration fee for POSCOMP;

  • Access to discussion lists maintained by SBC;

  • Access to studies conducted by SBC and intended for public or private entities, expressing the Society's political positions.

Check out the specific benefits of each category on the SBC website.