Accepted Workshops

II WIDE: Challenges in Human-Data Interaction for Latin America

Title of Workshop: II WIDE: Challenges in Human-Data Interaction for Latin America

Authors: Luciana Brito, Juliana França, Angélica Dias, Adriana Vivacqua, Luiz Morais, Caroline Queiroz, André Freire, Juliana Saraiva


Currently, a vast amount of data is being produced and used in ways that impact people's lives. Often, individuals struggle to comprehend the data, processes, and resulting outcomes. Human-Data Interaction (HDI) proposes to place humans at the center of the data flow, providing citizens with mechanisms to interact with these systems and data. HDI investigates how people interact with data, similar to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), which explores the relationship between humans and computers. In a context of increasing data volume, HDI becomes more relevant, addressing issues related to laypeople's access to data and visualizations, their ability to manipulate and explore data (in virtual or physical means), and to understand what is being presented, as well as the limitations and biases of datasets that will impact results and representations. This workshop aims to foster discussions on the topic of Human-Data Interaction and related themes (e.g., visualization, oversight, data literacy), supporting the formation of a community around the subject and paving the way for future research in the field. There will be a call for papers, and we will draw upon these contributions and those of invited guests as a starting point for discussions.

Important Dates:

  • Paper submission: 8/21/2023
  • Notification of results: 8/28/2023
  • Workshop participation: to be announced (1 full day between 10/16 and 10/20)
  • Submission of final version (after the event): 11/6/23

Workshop Website Link: HERE

CAPAihc 2023 - Cultures, Alterities, and Participations in HCI: Weaving New Plots in Motion

Title of Workshop: CAPAihc 2023 - Cultures, Alterities, and Participations in HCI: Weaving New Plots in Motion

Authors: Claudia Bordin Rodrigues, Leonam Cordeiro de Oliveira, Leander Cordeiro de Oliveira


The second Workshop "Cultures, Alterities, and Participations in HCI: Weaving New Plots in Motion - CAPAihc2023" continues the reflections and problematizations initiated in 2017, from and within the first edition of the workshop that took place at IHC 2017 in Joinville (SC). The second CAPA continues to be interested in themes that support research and extension projects aligned with what has been called the "third wave" in HCI, a movement that transcends the world of work and computerization by articulating relevant issues in private spheres, everyday life, popular movements, subaltern, diasporic, indigenous communities, as well as feminist and gender dimensions, bodily capacity and sexuality, origin, housing, race, ethnicity, decolonial, and anti-colonial perspectives. In this forum, we aim to understand how this six-year period, marked by problematic events in the context of culture and society, has affected the experiences, perceptions, projects, and challenges recognized by the Brazilian HCI community aligned with the third wave. We invite everyone to reflect with us on the movements, trends, including contradictions, disputes, absences, and invisibilities woven into these networks, where the physical and the digital intertwine with human activities and their interactions.

Important Dates:

  • Submission and Workshop promotion period: 09/10/2023 (was 09/01/2023)
  • Evaluation and curation period of proposals: from 24th August to 24th September
  • Results and re-submission of the final proposal: from 24th September to 04th October
  • Presentation and participation in the Workshop: 17th October

Workshop Website Link:
Instagram: capaihc

II Workshop on Interaction and User Research in Game Development

Título do Workshop: II Workshop on Interaction and User Research in Game Development


Ticianne Darin (UFC) –

Roberto Pereira (UFPR) –

Alysson Diniz (UFC) –


Over the years, researchers have been discussing how the evolution of research in the field of digital games relates to various factors of Human-Computer Interaction. In this context, we identified an opportunity to promote the discussion and exchange of experiences about the various dimensions of human factors in digital games in the national scene, bringing the perspective of HCI researchers and professionals to the specific context of Brazilian game development. Thus, we propose the II Workshop on Interaction and User Research in Game Development (II WIPlay), aiming to gather the research and game development communities along with HCI in interdisciplinary discussions about their respective contributions, boundaries, and possibilities in the field.

Among the various topics with intriguing research questions, we can mention:

  • Human factors and interaction aspects indicated in the Grand Challenges in Games in Brazil 2020-2030.
  • Player-centered design and Human-centered game design, which adapt user-centered design methods and techniques to the four stages of game design.
  • Game User Research (GUR), an emerging field born from workshops at the ACM annual conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), which combines HCI, game development, and experimental psychology, specifically investigating the interaction between players and games.
  • Player-Computer Interaction, focused on various aspects of human interaction while playing, including interface, usability, gameplay, experience, social interaction, cooperation, player behavior, among others.
  • Important Dates:
    • Submission deadline: 9/10/2023 (was 9/1/2023)
    • Notification of results: 9/30/2023 (was 9/28/2023)
    • Workshop participation: 10/18/2023
    • Submission of the final version: after the event, on 11/06/2023 (was 10/05/2023)

    Workshop Website Link:HERE

    Call for Workshops

    The goal of the workshops is to provide a forum for exchanging opinions, presenting ideas, and discussing preliminary results in an interactive environment. Researchers and industry professionals are invited to submit proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems IHC'23.

    These proposals, of no more than 4 pages, should include:

    1. The name of the workshop as well as a summary (150-200 words) that indicates the central theme, relevance of the theme, and suitability of the workshop to the topics/theme of IHC’23 (relevance to the event according to its topics - here, it is appropriate to include information about previous occurrences of the workshop, if any);

    2. Information on the selection process for papers and/or participants, as well as planning for dissemination (e.g., special editions of journals and magazines, or participation/presentation statements) and execution of the workshop (format/dynamics), necessary equipment, and expected number of participants;

    3. A mini-bio of each person in the organization, including contact emails and indication of the primary contact;

    4. A schedule with dates for paper submission, acceptance notification, and final version submission.

    The deadlines for workshop paper submission should be after the workshop acceptance notification date, and notifications of accepted papers for the workshop should be sent at least one week before the early registration deadline (with discount), to be defined by the IHC’23 organization.

    All proposals will be judged on their merits, and the best proposals will be accepted. It should be noted that workshops organized in previous editions of IHC go through the same selection process. In addition, the evaluation also considers the success of these workshops at previous events (audience, number of submissions, etc.), as well as the potential interest for the current event.


    Authors must submit their proposals electronically in PDF format using the JEMS system, according to the SBC model. If you have any questions, please contact the coordination team (below).


    Workshop proposals will be reviewed by at least 3 research professionals from the IHC community. In case of indecision, track coordinators will perform a new review.


    The organization of IHC'23 will provide:

    • A hosted page (or link) on the IHC'23 website;

    • Management of the registration process for participants;

    • Space for the installation of the workshop and equipment requested in the proposal;

    • Coffee-breaks.

    The proposers should organize and execute the proposed and approved workshop, observing the following items:

    • Synchronize the workshop deadlines with the IHC'23 deadlines;

    • Define the processes for disseminating the workshop, the call for papers, the receipt of papers, the review, and contact with the authors (notifications);

    • The authors will have access to JEMS for the management of receipt, evaluation, and notification of the workshop papers;

    • Provide a brief description of the workshop for inclusion on the IHC' 2023 page, in the final version as per the important dates in this call;

    • Schedule the workshop activities in collaboration with the local organizers of IHC'23.

    Program Committee

    • Claudia Motta - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
    • Ecivaldo Matos - Universidade Federal da Bahia
    • Heitor Costa - Universidade Federal de Lavras
    • Isabela Gasparini - Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
    • Kadidja de Oliveira - Instituto Federal de Brasília; Centro Universitário UDF
    • Kamila Rodrigues - USP
    • Luciana Zaina - UFSCar
    • Marcos Alexandre Rose Silva - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


    George Augusto Valença Santos (UFRPE) -
    Saul Emanuel Delabrida Silva (UFOP) -


    Submission deadline for proposals: June 12, 2023

    Results notification: July 10, 2023

    Final version submission: July 24, 2023