Accepted Papers

  • Estratégias de Acessibilidade em IDEs para Pessoas com Deficiência Visual
    • Eliana Zen (Instituto Federal Farroupilha - Campus São Vicente do Sul - Brazil),
    • Tatiana Tavares (Universidade Federal de Pelotas - Brazil)
  • Avaliação da inclusão de operadores na Indústria 4.0 por meio de instalações interativas virtuais: Caso de estudo de carregamento de vagões na mineração
    • Paula Fernandes (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - Brazil),
    • Saul Delabrida (Federal University of Ouro Preto - Brazil),
    • Flávia Silvas (Instituto Tecnológico Vale - Brazil),
    • Bruno Coelho (UFOP - Brazil)
  • Análise do uso de Técnicas Centradas no Usuário como apoio à Elicitacão de Requisitos de Acessibilidade para Usuários Neurodivergentes
    • Josana Nishihira (Universidade Federal do Acre - Brazil),
    • Laura Costa Sarkis (Universidade Federal do Acre - Brazil)
  • Adaptações de acessibilidade para a comunidade surda em instalações artísticas e científicas
    • Nathan Batista (Universidade Federal do Ceará - Brazil),
    • Ingrid Monteiro (Universidade Federal do Ceará - Brazil)

Call for Papers

The Dissertation and Thesis Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction (DTW-HCI) is a forum dedicated to the presentation, discussion, and improvement of ongoing master's and doctoral research in HCI through mentoring with experts in the field.

The main objectives of DTW are:

  1. Foster visibility and improvement of ongoing research;

  2. Provide constructive feedback to participants on their research and future directions through mentoring with experienced researchers in the field

  3. Promote a cooperative community among postgraduate students and a collaborative research spirit;

  4. Provide an opportunity for students to interact with experienced researchers and experts in the HCI community;

  5. Offer complementary training covering relevant topics for developing quality scientific research;

The works will be analyzed and selected based on their potential for improvement through participation in DTW. Preferably, works that have been under development for at least 9 months or have 9 months remaining until completion, considering the date of the event. Completed or almost completed research in advanced stages of conclusion are outside the scope of the workshop.

The work can be submitted to DTW-HCI even if another version of the work has been submitted to another track of IHC'23 (e.g., research articles and articles on innovative ideas and emerging results in IHC). However, the focus of the submission to the workshop should be on the ongoing research project. Submissions in Portuguese or English will be accepted.

In 2023, DTW-HCI will have a dynamic format, ranging from proposal presentations to mentoring and improvement stages. Additionally, there will be a space for students to discuss their ongoing research with a renowned researcher in the field of HCIIHC, both nationally and internationally, to be announced.


The authors should submit an extended abstract of up to 5 pages (including figures, tables, diagrams, bibliography, and annexes), containing:

  • The title of the research, the name of the doctoral/master's student, the name of the advisor, the name of other collaborating individuals, the name of the institution and the postgraduate program, the number of months of work development, and the expected time for completion;

  • The motivation for the research, clearly indicating the problem addressed and its relevance, as well as the objectives of the work;

  • The theoretical basis that underpins the research and, where applicable, a comparison of the proposed research with related works;

  • The proposed research methodology to address the problem, explaining how the work has been developed and evaluated;

  • In cases where it applies, the procedures to ensure the ethical aspects of the research according to the methodology used, and if it needs to be evaluated by the Ethics Committee, inform the submission status.

  • The expected results or partial results obtained, related to the expected contributions to the IHC area.

  • The schedule of activities, highlighting the stages already completed (qualification, proposal, etc.) and the future stages;

  • Optionally, a link to additional artifacts of the research (e.g., qualification text, published articles, raw research data, digital repositories, etc.)

The authors should submit their works electronically in PDF format using the JEMS system (link coming soon), following the SBC model. Submissions that do not follow the formalities indicated above will be disregarded.

If you have any questions, please contact the coordination team (see below).

Review Process

Each submission will be reviewed by at least three researchers in the HCI field. The recommendations presented in the reviews received should guide an adaptation of the final version of the article, in case of acceptance.

Presentation and Publication

The selected papers will be presented and discussed during WTD-HCIIHC, with members of the program committee and invited researchers. As the workshop is characterized as a forum for debating ongoing work, the authors must register for the conference and actively participate in WTD-HCIIHC, not only presenting their work but also contributing to the other accepted works in the workshop.

In the 2023 edition, there will be a specific mentoring session (closed) between invited researchers and the authors of accepted papers in order to provide more in-depth discussions on the presented works.

After the mentoring, the authors will have the opportunity to improve their proposals based on the received feedback and then present these improvements to the group. This presentation will be considered in the selection of the best works of WTD.

Details of the workshop activities and format will be announced in advance, so participants can prepare accordingly to make the most of the benefits of WTD. The accepted papers will be published in the extended proceedings of IHC'23 on the SBC Open Lib (SOL) platform, conditioned to the student's registration and presentation at the event.

Program Committee

  • Alessandro Assis - Nuance Communications
  • André Freire - Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Andrey Pimentel - UFPR
  • Anna Beatriz Marques - Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Armando Toda - Universidade de Durham
  • Awdren Fontão - Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Ícaro Malveira - Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Carlo Marcelo Revoredo da Silva - UPE
  • Edson Rufino - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Eduardo Tanaka - Eldorado Research Institute
  • Emanuel Coutinho - Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Fabrizzio Soares Alves de Melo Nunes Soares - Universidade Federal de Goias
  • João Vilnei de Oliveira Filho - Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • José Guilherme Santa Rosa - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • José Maria David - Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Kamila Rodrigues - USP
  • Luciana Zaina - UFSCar
  • Marcelle Mota - Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Roberto Pereira - Universidade Federal do Paraná


Ingrid Monteiro (UFC) – ingrid@ufc.br

Juliana Saraiva (UFPB) – julianajags@dcx.ufpb.br


Submission deadline: 6/26/2023 (was 6/12)

Notification of authors: 8/11/2023 (was 8/04)

Final version submission: 8/18/2023 (was 8/11)