Accepted papers

  • A human-machine interface analysis: Under critical operation scenario
    • Ivan Rehder (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica)
    • Andrew Sarmento (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica)
    • Ana Carolina Russo (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica)
    • Moacyr Cardoso-Junior (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica)
    • Emilia Villani (Instituto Tecnologico da Aeronautica-ITA)
  • Design System: um estudo de caso na Enacom
    • Erica de Oliveira (Centro Universitário Una)
    • Caroline Sousa (Enacom)
  • Gestão de projetos de software centrada no usuário para melhoria da experiência de uso no PNLD Avaliação
    • André Almeida Silva (Universidade Federal de Alagoas)
    • Nathalia de Meneses Alves (Universidade Federal de Alagoas )
    • Luciene de Fátima Silva (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia)
    • Rafael Araújo (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia)
    • André Araújo (Universidade Federal de Alagoas)
  • Laboratório de Inovação na Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico - ANA INOVA
    • Luísa Tristão Barbosa (Universidade Federal de Lavras)
    • Jaqueline de Souza (Fundação de Desenvolvimento Científico e Cultural FUNDECC)
    • Pablo Griboski (Fundação de Desenvolvimento Científico e Cultural FUNDECC)
    • Bruna Capeleti (Universidade Federal de Lavras)
    • André Freire (Universidade Federal de Lavras)
    • Gilberto Coelho (Universidade Federal de Lavras)
  • Lili: Um aplicativo de Aprendizagem e Aperfeiçoamento de Idiomas com Imersão para Pessoas com Dislexia
    • Rodrigo Oliveira (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
    • Luciana Palhanos (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
  • Prototipação de Aplicações Geolocalizadas com Storyboarding: o Caso do Sistema Nacional de Irrigação
    • Iorrana M. do Nascimento (Universidade Federal de Lavras)
    • Neumar Costa Malheiros (Universidade Federal de Lavras)
    • André Freire (Universidade Federal de Lavras)

Call for Papers

The HCI in Practice track is aimed at all professionals in industry, industry researchers, academia researchers and professors, and students at all levels who are interested in presenting their experiences with the application of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to concrete problems. These experiences may involve technical, commercial, social, management aspects, and the main challenges related to the application of methods and techniques in the area in the development of products and services.

The track's target audience includes entrepreneurs, startups, software companies, university-industry partnership projects, research and teaching professionals, industry researchers, undergraduate and graduate students.

It is an interesting opportunity for exchanging experiences between professionals who apply HCI in practice and those who develop research and advance the knowledge of the field, making it possible to create new opportunities for cooperation, innovative solutions, exposure to practical challenges, and identifying trends, aiming mainly to minimize the commonly existing gap between theory and practice.

The papers will be analyzed and selected considering their potential for contributing to a debate with the HCI in Practice community, seeking to further expand the possibilities for collaboration.

Topics of Interest

All relevant themes related to HCI practice are expected in this track, including but not limited to:

  • Practical application of HCI in remote or hybrid experiences;

  • Practical challenges of user-centered product and service development;

  • Integration of HCI into software development processes;

  • Practical experiences using HCIIHC tools and equipment;

  • Practical aspects related to the study of user behavior;

  • Use of different technologies (assistive, accessibility, inclusion, persuasive, collaborative, and behavior change).


Submissions should be produced in Portuguese or English by professionals, researchers, teachers, and students of all levels, and should report relevant real cases and experiences in the area of HCI, whether successful or not.

Expected submissions for the HCI in Practice Track are reports presenting any applied experience of HCI, its techniques, and theories in companies, startups, University-Industry partnership projects, among others.

Note that author anonymization is not required for evaluations. It should also be emphasized that the responsibility for the content rests with the authors, who are responsible for obtaining permission from the company for proposal submission and case exposure, if necessary. Accepted papers will be published in the extended proceedings of the event and will be indexed in SBC OpenLib.

Submission materials using the JEMS system, system are described below:

  1. Link to a video up to 5 minutes (shared via YouTube) for your presentation and/or the company's presentation and case or experience details;

  2. Summary (in .pdf) of at least two pages and up to three (excluding references), following the SBC article format for work publication, reflecting the content below:

    • Title, authors, email, company name (except for freelancers)
    • Link to the video on Youtube
    • Description of the problem and solution/adopted approach
    • Results, conclusions, challenges, and lessons learned
    • Mini-biography of the authors
    • References

Approval Criteria

Submissions will be evaluated by three members of the program committee, considering the concreteness of the problem, adequacy (or not) of the solution, relevance of the lessons learned, clarity of exposition, as well as contribution to the business and academic communities.

With this track, we aim to provide the sharing of experiences among professionals, researchers, teachers, and students of all levels interested in presenting Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) knowledge in practice, establishing cooperative relationships between the academic and professional communities.

Presentation at the Symposium

At least one of the authors of the accepted papers must register for the Symposium in the Professional category to present the paper orally in the technical sessions of the event. Only presented papers will be published in the extended proceedings of the symposium. Detailed information on presentation modalities will be provided later.


César França (UFRPE / Cesar School) - franssa@cesar.school
Letícia Machado (UFRGS) – leticia.machado@inf.ufrgs.br


Submission deadline: June 12, 2023

Notification of results: August 04, 2023

Submission of final version of accepted papers: August 11, 2023