IHC 2021

Workshop Track

Accepted Workshops

Title: III WIDE: Grand Challenges in Human-Data Interaction in Brazil for the next 10 years

Authors: Luciana Sá Brito (UFRJ); Juliana Baptista dos Santos França (UFRJ); Adriana Santarosa Vivacqua (UFRJ); Luiz Augusto Morais (UFPE); Caroline Queiroz Santos (UFVJM); André Pimenta Freire (UFLA) and Juliana de Albuquerque Gonçalves Saraiva (UFPB)


Contemporary data production has affected our society and our personal lives. Populations suffer consequences due to the difficulty in understanding data, processes, and derived results, in addition to being unable to express themselves with data. Human-Data Interaction (HCI) investigates and fosters the interaction of people with data in a meaningful way, ranging from the ability to read data to the appropriation of data and negotiation over systems and data. HDI becomes increasingly relevant, addressing issues regarding the access of the lay population to data and visualizations, the ability to deal with this data and understand what is being said, as well as limitations and biases of datasets that will affect results and the representations presented.
The goal of the III Workshop on Interactions with Human Experiences (WIDE) is to deepen discussions on significant topics in HCI and related systems (e.g., visualization, monitoring, data literacy) while continuing to support the growth of the community and charting paths for future research. There will be a call for papers, and we will use these and guest contributions as a starting point for discussions.

Important dates:

Submissions deadline – 08/19/24 08/31/24 09/08/24 (New date!)
Notification date – 09/16/24 09/22/24
Workshop – 10/09/24 (during IHC 2024)
Final version submission (11/06/24)

Link to website and/or social media:

Title: III Workshop on User Interaction and Research in Game Development
Ticianne Darin (UFC), Kamila Rios (USP – ICMC), Alysson Diniz (UFC)
Over the years, researchers have discussed how the evolution of research in the area of digital games relates to several factors of Human-Computer Interaction. In this context, we identified the opportunity to foster discussion and exchange of experiences on the various dimensions of human factors in digital games in the national scenario, bringing the perspective of researchers and professionals from HCI and related areas to the specific context of Brazilian game development. Thus, we propose the III Workshop on User Interaction and Research in Game Development (III WIPlay), which aims to bring together the game research and development and HCI communities around interdisciplinary discussions about their respective contributions, frontiers and possibilities in the area.
Among the various themes with intriguing research questions in this area, we can mention:
– Human factors and interaction aspects indicated in the Grand Challenges in Games in Brazil 2020-2030;
– Player-centered design and Human-centered game design, which promote the adaptation of user-centered design methods and techniques to the four stages of the game design process;
– Game User Research (GUR), an emerging field born from workshops developed at the ACM annual conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), which unites HCI, game development and experimental psychology, specifically investigating the interaction between players and games; 

– Player-Computer Interaction, focused on the various aspects of human interaction when playing games, including interface, usability, gameplay, experience, social interaction, cooperation, player behavior, among others.

This year, in addition to papers presenting research and reports of experiences with players, we invite the community to share their perspectives in the “Ideas in Game” format and to demonstrate and discuss their products in the “Game Lab” format. Submissions should be 4 to 10 pages long (excluding references), according to the category.

Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline: 09/07/2024 
  • Notification of results: 09/26/2024
  • Participation in the Workshop: during IHC’24 (exact date to be defined)
  • Submission of the final version (camera-ready): 10/05/2024

Link to website and/or social media:

Call for Papers

The workshops provide a forum for exchanging opinions, presenting ideas, and discussing preliminary results in an interactive environment. Researchers and industry professionals are invited to submit proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems IHC’24.

These proposals, of no more than 4 pages, should include:

  1. The name of the workshop as well as a summary (150-200 words) that indicates the central theme, relevance of the theme, and suitability of the workshop to the topics/theme of IHC’24 (relevance to the event according to its topics – here, it is appropriate to include information about previous occurrences of the workshop, if any);
  2. Information about the workshop, including:
    • planning for dissemination: e.g. social networks, own website, email lists, etc.;
    • the selection process for papers and/or participants;
    • execution of the workshop: format/dynamics, necessary equipment, estimated time,  expected number of participants, and whether or not there will be declarations of participation/presentation;
    • publication planning of accepted articles: It is intended to offer support for the publication of accepted articles at SBC-OpenLib, according to the Responsibilities section. However, proponents can provide additional ways of publicizing accepted articles, including before the event, to facilitate prior reading of the works and greater engagement.
  3. A mini-bio of each person in the organization, including contact emails and indication of the primary contact;
  4. A schedule with dates for paper submission, acceptance notification, and final version submission, respecting the proposed dates of the workshop track.
  5. If the workshop was organized in previous years, it is necessary to indicate the potential interest for the current edition of the event (audience, number of submissions, etc.).

The deadlines for workshop paper submission should be after the workshop acceptance notification date, and notifications of accepted papers for the workshop should be sent at least one week before the early registration deadline (with a discount), to be defined by the IHC’24 organization.

All proposals will be judged on their merits, and the best proposals will be accepted. It should be noted that workshops organized in previous editions of IHC undergo the same selection process.

Authors must follow the Code of Conduct for Authors in Brazilian Computing Society’s Publications.

Submission Instructions

Authors must submit their proposals electronically in PDF format using the JEMS system, according to the SBC model. Please contact the coordination team (below) if you have any questions.

Changing the language or authors will not be permitted after submitting the proposal.

Review Process

Workshop proposals will be reviewed by at least 3 members of the Program Committee.


The organization of IHC’24 will provide:

  • A hosted page or link on the IHC’24 website;
  • Support in the inclusion of accepted workshops in the JEMS system;
  • Management of the registration process for participants in the IHC’24 main event;
  • Support for publication of articles accepted at SBC-OpenLib (SOL);
  • Space for the installation of the workshop and equipment requested in the proposal;
  • Coffee-breaks.

The proposers should organize and execute the proposed and approved workshop, observing the following items:

  • Synchronize the workshop deadlines with the IHC’24 deadlines;
  • Define the processes for disseminating the workshop, the call for papers, the receipt of papers, the review, and contact with the authors (notifications);
  • Access for the authors will be provided regarding the management of JEMS (receipt, evaluation, and notification of the workshop papers);
  • Provide a brief description of the workshop for inclusion on the IHC’24 page in the final version as per the “Important Dates” in this call;
  • Schedule the workshop activities in collaboration with the local organizers of IHC’24.

Examples of Accepted IHC'23 Workshops


Ana Luiza Dias (EMBRAPA) – ana.luiza@embrapa.br 

Fernanda Lima (UnB) – ferlima@unb.br

Program Committe

Diego Zabot
Georgia Pereira
Marcelle Mota
Marcelo Pimenta

Important Dates

Submission deadline for proposals: June 10, 2024

Results notification: July 07, 2024

Final version submission: July 18, 2024

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