IHC 2021

Review and Resubmission Process

The following instructions apply to the tracks listed below. For additional information about the tracks, see the specific pages:

Research Track

Innovative Ideas and Emerging Results Track

Submissions will be rejected without review if (1) they do not comply with all instructions set forth in the “Submission Instructions” section of the track, (2) they are outside the scope of the track, or (3) they have been submitted or posted in any other forum (conference or journal). All other papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee. If the submission is accepted, authors must consider review comments to prepare the final version of the paper.

In order to improve the review process and interaction between those who submit their work to IHC 2024 and the Program Committee, the following procedure will be adopted to optimize analysis, discussion and decision-making:

  • Papers that, after the 1st period of review and discussion, have all reviews classified as Weak Accept and/or Strong Accept will be accepted and notified on the date of the 1st notification;
  • Papers that, after the 1st period of review and discussion, have all reviews classified as Weak Reject and/or Strong Reject will be rejected and notified on the date of the 1st notification;
  • All other papers will be invited to participate in the review and resubmission process, described below, and the authors will be notified by email:
    • Authors will have access to the reviews and will be able to argue and answer the indicated questions, before the final decision of acceptance or rejection, in addition to preparing a revised version of their papers for resubmission;
    • To this end, the authors of each submission must:
  1. Submit the text of the reply in the specific field of the JEMS submission page, limited to an unformatted text of up to 4,000 characters;
  2. Send a revised version of the paper indicating the changes (e.g., yellow highlighting or text written in blue or red) in PDF format and following all previously defined submission instructions.
  • After further analysis and discussion by the reviewers, the papers will be accepted or rejected and notified on the date of the 2nd notification. 

As part of the review process, the correct use of the formatting and reference model adopted by the event will also be verified, as well as compliance with ethical aspects.

Although it will not interfere in the final evaluation of the paper, reviewers will also be invited to check the existence of references to publications from IHC or the Journal on Interactive Systems (JIS), in addition to adopting references to relevant works by women, researchers from countries in development (for example, those of the Brazilian Computing Society) and underrepresented groups.