Site da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação

Insightful Ideas and Emerging Results in HCI Track

“Was this helpful?” Analysis of satisfaction evaluation instruments in public service applications – Patrick de Araújo (UFC), Rute Pereira (UFC), Georgia da Cruz Pereira (UFC), Ingrid Monteiro (UFC)

Analytical Model for Classifying Areas of Interest in Interactive Systems – Danilo Lima (UFPA), Rodrigo Zacarias (UNIRIO), Kennedy Souza (UFPA), Rodrigo Santos (UNIRIO), Marcos Seruffo (UFPA)

Analyzing MoLIC’s Applicability to Model the interaction of Conversational Agents: A case study on ANA Chatbot – Ulisses Fernandes (PUC Minas), Raquel Prates (UFMG), Bruno Chagas (UFMG), Glívia Barbosa (CEFET-MG)

Analyzing the Presentation of Multilingual User Reviews in Accommodation Websites – Diego Moreira da Rosa (IFRS), Natanael Kuniechik (PUCRS), Soraia Musse (PUCRS), Milene Silveira (PUCRS)

Applying Usability Heuristics in the Context of Labeling Systems – Lucas Viana (UFAM), Leticia Passos (UFAM), Edson Oliveira (SEFAZ/AM), Tayana Conte (UFAM)

Challenges of interaction design for counter-hegemonic contexts: highlighting and overcoming contradictions for social transformation – Flavia Peres (UFRPE), Dyego Morais (UFPE)

Child Participation in the Design of Digital Artifacts: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations – Dyego Morais (UFPE), Taciana Pontual Falcão (UFRPE), Patrícia Tedesco (UFPE)

Conflicts in Metacommunication Messages in Alternating User and Designer Roles: A Dialectical Perspective – Ila Muniz (UFBA), Ecivaldo Matos (UFBA)

Dark Patterns: Towards a Sociotechnical Approach – Luiz Baroni (UFPR), Alisson Puska (UFPR), Luciana Salgado (UFF), Roberto Pereira (UFPR)

Developing a Set of Design Patterns Specific for the Design of User Interfaces for Autistic Users – Dayanne Gomes (UFMA), Nathasha Pinto (UFMA), Aurea Melo (UEA), Ivana Márcia Maia (IFMA), Anselmo Cardoso de Paiva (UFMA), Raimundo Barreto (UFAM), Davi Viana (UFMA), Luis Rivero (UFMA)

Enabling the use of photography equipment to people with upper limb disabilities: a participatory design case study of a prototype wearable assistive technology – Ricardo Souza (UFOP), Saul Delabrida (UFOP), Cintia Rita Soares de Freitas (UFOP), Andre Freire (UFLA)

Extending Interaction to Human-Computer Integration: What do we already know and what do we need to explore? – Glívia Barbosa (CEFET- MG), Raquel Prates (UFMG), Ulisses Fernandes (PUC Minas), Natália Santos (UFMG)

From now on: experiences from user-based research in remote settings – Claiton Correa (Instituto Federal Farroupilha), Gabriel Freitas (PUCRS), Andre Eberhardt (PUCRS), Milene Silveira (PUCRS)

Gesture-based Interaction Systems in Hospital Critical Environment: Challenges and Recommendations for Gesture Creation – Karina Kimura (UEM), Karoline Romero (UEM), Guilherme Guerino (UEM), Heloise Manica Paris Teixeira (UEM)

I have a Twitter profile- what do I want to happen to it if I die? – Nicole Santos (UTFPR), Silvia Amelia Bim (UTFPR), Cristiano Maciel (UFMT)

Interactive Emergency TeleHealth Systems in Pandemic Times: a Usability Evaluation in the Interior of Brazil – Bruna Capeleti (UFLA), Gustavo Dominguete (UFLA), Marluce Rodrigues Pereira (UFLA), Andre Freire (UFLA)

Jungle party – a game about loss and grief – Aline Verhalen (UFMT), Vinicius Pereira (UFMT), Silvia Amelia Bim (UTFPR), Ricardo Picoli (USP), Cristiano Maciel (UFMT), Kamila Rodrigues (USP)

Long-Term User Experience in Software Crowdsourcing Platform – Marcia Prante Assmann (Universidade de Passo Fundo), Alexandre Zanatta (Universidade de Passo Fundo), Ana Carolina Bertoletti De Marchi (Universidade de Passo Fundo)

Making Design of Experiments (DOE) accessible for everyone: Prototype design and evaluation – Fabiani de Souza (CPQD), Gabriela Vechini (UNICAMP), Graziella Bonadia (CPQD)

Measuring Quantitative Situated User Experience with a Mobile Galvanic Skin Response Sensor – Vagner Santana (IBM Research), Leandro Otani (IBM Research)

Omotenashi: A Study about Cultural Adaptation of an Intelligent Agent on Blip – Marcia Murata (UFF), Mateus Monteiro (UFF), Luciana Salgado (UFF)

Posthumous data at stake – an Overview of Digital Immortality Issues – Vinicius Galvão (UFMT), Cristiano Maciel (UFMT), Vinicius Pereira (UFMT), Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia (UNIRIO), Roberto Pereira (UFPR), José Viterbo (UFF)

Towards Usability Heuristics for Interactive Web Maps – Juliana Marquez (UNIFESP), Paulo Meirelles (UFABC), Tiago da Silva (UNIFESP)

Using Ontologies to aid Knowledge Sharing in HCI Design – Murillo Castro (UFES), Monalessa Perini Barcellos (UFES), Simone Costa (UFES), Ricardo Falbo (UFES)

VALERIE: A Guide to Qualitative Evaluation of Player Experience in Location-Based Games Using Interviews – Nayana Carneiro (UFC), Windson Viana (UFC), Ticianne Darin (UFC)

Voice and touch interaction: a user experience comparison of elderly people in smartphones – Carla Tubin (Universidade de Passo Fundo), Ana Carolina Bertoletti De Marchi (Universidade de Passo Fundo), João Pedro Rodriguez (Universidade de Passo Fundo)

In 2021, IHC’s theme is “Interaction from Caburaí to Chuí”, as references to the northernmost and southernmost landmarks of the Brazilian continental territory. This event invites researchers and practitioners to reflect upon the diversity of our research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). The idea also incorporates the exploration of the diversity of cultures, research themes, regions, target publics, ways of interactions, among others. We invite quality submissions from all over Brazil and further afield, as geographical barriers and travel difficulties are diminished with an online event.

In Brazil, IHC was classified by national agency CAPES as B2 (first level of the second tier) in 2013-2016. In the provisional unified Qualis rating by CAPES for the next four-yearly evaluation,  IHC is projected to be classified as A4 (fourth level in the first tier). IHC’s H5 index calculated by Google Scholar was 9 in 2019, growing to 11 in 2020.  IHC is the largest national event in the area of Human-Computer Interaction in Brazil, and has grown considerably in recent years.

For the second time at the IHC, the Insightful Ideas and Emerging Results track invites the community to submit papers that present innovative and thought-provoking research in the IHC field. This track aims to accelerate the exposure of the HCI scientific community to innovations or promising and potentially inspiring research efforts.

We welcome submissions around a diversity of topics and methodologies in HCI field, which may include:
 – original and innovative technologies, techniques, or prototypes;
 – qualitative or quantitative studies containing a complete analysis;
 – contributions that expand discussions of previous research;
 – notes and reflections that motivate new debates or future works;
 – theoretical or methodological contributions that promote highly relevant discussions for the community.

It is important to highlight that this track is not a “work in progress” or “short papers” track. It is a track for innovative research focused on the future of the HCI field, with the goal of accelerating the exposure of early yet potentially ground-breaking research results, or techniques and perspectives that challenge the status quo of the field.  Submissions must contain an original contribution not published in another forum or subject to review for other conferences or publications.


We abide by the ACM Code of Ethics. We expect that all submissions, underlying research, and behavior during the review process and conference comply with the principles and responsibilities outlined by the code.


Papers submitted to the Insightful Ideas and Emerging Results in HCI Track track should have 06 pages, excluding references. Submissions may be written in English or Portuguese. Submissions should be anonymized and follow the template provided at ACM CHI2020 (acm-sigconf). For Portuguese-speaking authors, we recommend consulting the paper Guia Rápido para Submissão Anônima: proteja sua identidade corretamente, published at SBC Horizontes, and authored by Profa. Mirella Moro.

We strongly recommend using the Latex template available at Overleaf

If preferred, authors may use the Latex source files.

Optionally, authors may use the template do MS-Word template.

Before submitting their paper, authors should certify they adhere to the following formatting guidelines:

1. Ensure that the paper’s title is only in English (even for papers in Portuguese);
2. Ensure that keywords are only in English (even por papers in Portuguese);
3. Ensure that the abstract is only in English, and that the section is named “abstract” (and not resumo, for papers in Portuguese);
4. Ensure that the section “CCS Codes” is defined according to the ACM standard;
5. Ensure the paper includes a section “ACM reference format”, according to the template;
6. Ensure that the headings on even pages has the name, date and place of the event on the left side, and authors on the right side;
7. Ensure that the headings on odd pages have the paper’s title on the left side and the name, date and place of the event on the right side.

To make the publication process more efficient, authors of accepted papers should fill in the forms sent by the publications chair on the set dates.  Such forms will be sent to the author designated as corresponding author, and should be replied only once by the corresponding author.

Authors should pay attention to the listed references. They should contain the full name of each author (according to the template).  References should be enumerated and ordered according to the last name of the first author.

Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format, using the JEMS system.

We strongly encourage authors to be attentive to the accessibility of their papers in digital format.  We recommend using CHI 2021’s Guide to an accessible submission and the guide produced by the Núcleo de Acessibilidade e Usabilidade – UNIRIO.


Submissions that are not in accordance with the submission guidelines, out of the scope of the symposium, or that were previously submitted or published in any other venue (conference or journal), will be desk-rejected without peer-review. 

All other submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee.

In case of disparities and inconsistencies between reviews, the submission will be meta reviewed by a senior researcher to support the final decision. The articles will be evaluated based on their novelty, relevance, technical and methodological solidity, and clarity in the presentation of ideas.


Paper presentations during the event will be made via pre-recorded videos, hosted on the conference platform, and later archived on the IHC 2021 channel on YouTube. However, the discussions will be synchronous. Hence, the participation of at least one of the authors in the session is mandatory.

The track coordination will send emails to the authors specifying the details, including the maximum length, video submission format, and other points relevant to the track.

The Resources and Accessibility page presents resources that can be useful in preparing videos, including slide and recording templates using OBS Studio. When preparing the presentation video, follow the recommendations available in: How can I make my pre-recorded presentation more accessible? (available in Portuguese only). Note that due to the virtual format of the IHC 2021, the ability for attendees to understand presentations using only vision or audio is now a requirement. Therefore, all presentations must include subtitles. We have prepared a tutorial to help you with the subtitling process.


Accepted papers will be published in the main IHC proceedings and indexed at the ACM Digital Library.  Publication is subject to the registration of at least one author in the category “Professional” or, when the registration is made in another category, to the payment of an additional publication fee, apart from the registration. Besides, publication is also conditioned to the presentation of the paper during the event.

When more than one publication is linked to the same participant registration, a fee will be charged for each additional paper.


Caroline Queiroz Santos (UFVJM) –

Maria Lúcia Bento Villela (UFVJM) –

Important Deadlines

Abstract submission: 30 May 2021 (previously 23 May)
Paper submission: 07 June 2021 (previously 30 May) Notification to authors: 09 August 2021
Camera-ready submission: 16 August 2021