Accepted works

  • A systematic mapping study on digital game adaptation dimensions – Caio Carvalho (UFPR), Luciano Teran (UFPA), Marcelle Mota (UFPA), Roberto Pereira (UFPR)
  • A Systematic Mapping Study on Usability and User eXperience Evaluation of Multi-Touch Systems – Guilherme Konopatzki Filho (UFPR), Natasha Valentim (UFPR), Guilherme Guerino (UEM)
  • Analysis of transcription tools for Brazilian Portuguese with focus on disfluency detection – Alana Luna (EACH-USP), Fatima Nunes (EACH-USP), Ariane Machado-Lima (EACH-USP)
  • Analyzing Structural Similarity of User Interface Layouts of Android Apps using Deep Learning – Nathalia Alves (UFSC), Leonardo Kreuch (UFSC), Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim (UFSC)
  • Applying the Engagement by Design Methodology: Perceptions and Lessons Learned – Leonardo Pio Vasconcelos (UFF), Daniela Trevisan (UFF), José Viterbo (UFF)
  • Are user reviews useful for identifying accessibility issues that autistic users face? An exploratory study – Mara Santiago (UFC), Anna Beatriz Marques (UFC)
  • Assessment of Visual Aesthetics through Human Judgments: a Systematic Mapping – Adriano Lima (UFSC), Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim (UFSC), Adriano Borgatto (UFSC)
  • Automated Assessment of Visual Aesthetics of Android User Interfaces with Deep Learning – Adriano Lima (UFSC), Osvaldo Martins (UFSC), Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim (UFSC), Aldo von Wangenheim (UFSC), Adriano Borgatto (UFSC), Jean Hauck (UFSC)
  • Childrens Participation in the Design of Digital Artifacts in Rural Schools – Dyego Morais (UFPE), Taciana Pontual Falcão (UFRPE), Patrícia Tedesco (CIn – UFPE)
  • Contextual Exploration of Mathematical Formulae on the Web for People with Visual Disabilities in Brazil with an Open-Source Screen Reader – Herlon Guedes (UFLA), Paula Figueira Cardoso (UFLA), Willian Watanabe (UTFPR), Andre Freire (UFLA)
  • Customization Guidelines for Mobile Applications from a Universal Design Perspective – Felipe Nery (UFABC), Aquila Santos (UFABC), Beatriz Chicaroni (UFABC), Juliana Cristina Braga (UFABC), André Brandão (UFABC), Joao Paulo Gois (UFABC)
  • Design Recommendations for Chatbots to Support People with Depression – Paula Souza (UFSCar), Isabella da Costa Pires (UFSCar), Vivian Motti (George Mason University), Helena Caseli (UFSCar), Jair Barbosa Neto (UFSCar), Larissa Martini (UFSCar), Vania Almeida Neris (UFSCar)
  • Developing an Edutainment Game for Children with ADHD Based on Socially Aware Design and VCIA Model – Bruno Batista (PUC Minas), Cristiane Nobre (PUC Minas), Lucila Ishitani (PUC Minas)
  • Embodiment in Interactive Installations: Results from a Systematic Literature Review – Emanuel Felipe Duarte (UNICAMP), Yusseli L. Méndez Mendoza (UNICAMP), Jêsca Nobre (UNICAMP), M. Cecília Baranauskas (UNICAMP)
  • Evaluating user experience in music discovery on Deezer and Spotify – Willian Assuncao (UFSCAR), Luciana Zaina (UFSCAR)
  • Evaluation Methods in Legal Procedures Concerning Digital Accessibility in Brazil: an Analysis of Cases Investigated by the Federal Public Ministry – Delvani Antônio Mateus (UFLA), Fábio da Silva (UFLA), Tiago da Silva (UNIFESP), Andre Freire (UFLA)
  • Extending the Ontology, Metacommunication and Communicability of Semiotic Engineering to the emerging paradigm of Human-Computer Integration (HInt) – Glívia Barbosa (CEFET-MG), Raquel Prates (UFMG)
  • Heuristics for computer-mediated human interactions based on consumer rights – Erik Da Costa Nunes (Qconcursos)
  • Hidden Things and Implicit Interaction: Looking Back on How Invisibility Evolved as a Quality-In-Use Attribute – José Cezar de Souza Filho (UFAM), Andréia Libório (UFC), Eduardo Feitosa (UFAM)
  • How are Games for Autistic Children Being Evaluated? – Ana Paula Carvalho (UFMG), Camila Braz (UFMG), Raquel Prates (UFMG)
  • Interaction Paths Between Users on the Autistic Spectrum and Technologies: Scope Review of the Brazilian Symposium IHC – Jocivaldo Vanzeler (UFPA), Gleyciane Freitas (UFPA), Josué Viana (UFPA), Isadora Santos (UFRA), Fabricio Farias (UFPA), Carlos Portela (UFPA)
  • Investigating whether people identify how suitable a data visualization is for answering specific analysis questions – Ariane Rodrigues (PUC-Rio), Gabriel Barbosa (PUC-Rio), Helio Lopes (PUC-Rio), Simone Barbosa (PUC-Rio)
  • Longitudinal User Experience Studies in the IoT Domain: a Brief Panorama and Challenges to Overcome – Bianca Melo (UFC), Rossana Andrade (UFC), Ticianne Darin (UFC)
  • Mine, yours, ours – family discussions on digital legacy – Maria Lira (UFMT), Cristiano Maciel (UFMT), Daniele Trevisan (UFMT), Silvia Amelia Bim (UTFPR),Simone Barbosa (PUC-Rio)
  • PTMOL: A Suitable Approach for Modeling Privacy Threats in Online Social Networks – Andrey Rodrigues (UFAM), Maria Villela (UFV), Eduardo Feitosa (UFAM)
  • Thinking about help systems: analyzing help resources under different dimensions – Carmen Brezolin (IFRS), Milene Silveira (PUCRS)
  • Towards Accessibility for Users with Autism: A Comparative Analysis of Guidelines – Douglas Cardins (UFPB),Yuska Paola Costa Aguiar (UFPB), Juliana Saraiva (UFPB), Tiago Maritan (UFPB), Juliana Araujo (UFPB)
  • “Understanding Interaction Design Practices in Distributed Software Development: An interview study – Daniel Alves (UFBA), Ecivaldo Matos (UFBA)”
  • Using Model Cards for Ethical Reflection: A Qualitative Exploration – José Luiz Nunes (FGV Rio), Gabriel Barbosa (PUC-Rio), Clarisse de Souza (PUC-Rio), Helio Lopes (PUC-Rio), Simone Barbosa (PUC-Rio)
  • UX Research in the software industry: an investigation about practices related to UX long-term – Suéllen Martinelli (UFSCAR), Larissa Albano Lopes (PagSeguro PagBank), Luciana Zaina (UFSCAR)
  • Visualizing and Analyzing the Evolution of Authorship and Co-Authorship Networks of Articles from the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems – Franklin Matheus da Costa Lima (UFRN), Leonardo Cunha de Miranda (UFRN), M. Cecília Baranauskas (UNICAMP)
  • Where is the description? Investigating Accessibility Issues in Portuguese Versions of Smart Home Apps – Daniel Mesquita (UFC), Ribamar de Souza Martins (UFC), Maria da Conceição (UFC), Windson Viana (UFC)

Call for Papers

This year, back to the face-to-face format, the XXI Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computational Systems (IHC 2022) will take place in Diamantina (MG), from October 17th to 21st.


The theme of IHC2022 is Paths of Interaction“, about the paths, roads, and the footbridge in Diamantina and its surroundings, which stand out for their natural beauties and corners full of marks of our country’s history. Thus, this year’s theme is an invitation to think about how, in its multiple forms and perspectives, interaction has led us and where it can take us. We invite the community to explore the nuances and impacts of the countless possibilities of interaction mediated by technology for different audiences and purposes. Thus, we invite submissions of quality papers that present their paths taken and discuss their glimpses of the directions to be taken in their research topics, outlining the pathway of the IHC in Brazil.


The IHC is an event classified by CAPES with extract B2 in the 2013-2016 quadrennium. In the only provisional Qualis, its classification is indicated as A4. The H5 index of the IHC in 2020 was 11. It is the largest national event in  ​​Human-Computer Interaction and has continued to grow in recent years.


We invite interested people acting in different roles, such as research, teaching, industry, and students, to submit papers to the Research Track that contribute to scientific development in the area of ​​HCI. Research Track papers are publications that demonstrate original research in  ​​HCI, not published or submitted for review in another forum. Publications with high quality, solid academic research results and evident contributions to ​​HCI are expected. Contributions must include results of studies that provide new evidence on HCI research or application. In the research track, the papers must present consolidated results of high relevance, proven unpublished, and with adequate validation, according to the research method used.


Papers submitted to the Research track must have up to 10 pages, excluding references.

Submissions can be written in English or Portuguese, and must be anonymous.

We strongly recommend using Overleaf’s Latex template (acm-sigconf file).

If you prefer, you can work directly with Latex source files.

Optionally, you can use the MS-Word template.

When producing your article, we recommend you consult the article Quick Guide to Anonymous Submission: protect your identity correctly, published in SBC Horizontes, authored by Prof. Mirella Moro.

Before submitting the article, we ask that you make sure you meet the following formatting requirements:

  1. Ensure the title is in English only;
  2. Ensure that the keywords are only in English;
  3. Ensure that the abstract is in English only and that this section title is defined as “abstract”;
  4. Ensure that the “CCS Codes” section is defined according to the ACM standard;
  5. Ensure that there is an “ACM reference format” section, according to the template;
  6. Ensure the header of even pages contains the name/date/location of the event on the left side and names of the authors on the right;
  7. Ensure that the header of odd pages contains the title of the article on the left and name/date/location of the event on the right;


Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format, using the JEMS system. By submitting your article, you declare that you are responsible for any aspect of the work involving experiments on people was conducted following ethical research standards and guidelines, including ethical approval from all relevant bodies, where necessary.

We strongly encourage you to pay attention to the accessibility of articles produced in digital format. We recommend using the CHI 2021 Guide to produce accessible articles and the guide produced by the UNIRIO Accessibility and Usability Center.

Coauthors of an accepted article must fill out forms sent by the publication coordinator on the stipulated dates to speed up the publication process. Such forms will be sent to the person listed as the primary contact and must be answered only once by that same person.

Please pay attention to the format of the indicated references. They must contain the authors’ full name (according to the template). References are numbered and ordered alphabetically by the first author’s last name.

Ethical Issues

We expect all submissions to comply with the ACM Code of Ethics.

Seeking to safeguard the rights and dignity of research subjects, when reporting experiments with humans, articles should indicate whether the procedures followed were under the ethical standards described in the Regulatory Norms and Guidelines for Research Involving Human Beings – Res. CNS No. 466/2012 and Operational Standard 001/2013 (or, if applicable, the reason why the standard does not apply to research). We ask you to inform the Ethics Committee approval number (institutional or national) in necessary cases.

Articles must contain a clear statement that the ethical issues that apply to them in their own country have been followed. We suggest that this content be entered as a statement in the Methodology section.

Review and Rebuttal

Submissions that:

  • do not comply with the required submission format;
  • are outside the scope of the symposium; or
  • have been submitted or published in any other forum (conference or journal),


will be rejected without review. At least three program committee members will review all other work.

To increase the interaction between those who submit their work to IHC 2022 and the program committee, we will have a rebuttal process to improve the discussion process.

After submitting your article fulfilling the criteria indicated above, you will have access to the reviews. You will be able to argue and answer the indicated questions before the final decision of acceptance or rejection. The replica is limited to the plain text of up to 4,000 characters. If the submission is accepted, you should consider the review comments to prepare the article’s final version.


Accepted articles will be published in the event proceedings and will be indexed in the ACM digital library. The publication is conditioned to the registration of at least one of the coauthors in the Professional category. Or when there is no one registered in this category, the payment of an additional publication fee and the registration.

For the publication of more than one article linked to the same registration, the system will also charge the publication fee for each additional article.

In addition, the publication is also conditioned to the presentation of the article during the event.

The program committee is negotiating with scientific journals to invite the submission of extended versions of the best articles published at the IHC 2022.

Program Committe

Adriana Lopes Damian (UFAM)
Alessandra Macedo (USP)
Alessandro Assis (Nuance Communications)
Alex Gomes (UFPE)
Aline Alves (UNIRIO, Fiocruz)
Amanda Melo (UNIPAMPA)
Ana Carolina De Marchi (UPF)
Ana Luiza Dias (Embrapa)
Ana Paula Chaves Steinmacher (UTFPR)
Anderson Maciel (UFRGS)
André da Silva (IFSP/ NIED-UNICAMP)
André Freire (UFLA)
Andrey Pimentel (UFPR)
Anna Beatriz Marques (UFC)
Armando Toda (Universidade de Durham)
Artur Kronbauer (UNIFACS)
Awdren Fontão (UFMT)
Bruno Chagas (UFMG)
Bruno Gadelha (UFMA)
Bruno Santana (UFRN)
Cagla Ozen (Yeditepe University)
Carla Bezerra (UFC)
Carla Freitas (UFRGS)
Carla Rodriguez (UFABC)
Carolina Sacramento (UNIRIO/ Fundação Oswaldo Cruz)
Celso Saibel Santos (UFES)
Clara Caldeira (Indiana University)
Claudia Motta (UFRJ)
Cláudia Bordin (UTFPR)
Clodis Boscarioli (UNIOESTE)
Cristiano Maciel (UFMT)
Daniel Schneider (UFRJ)
Debora Paiva (UFMS)
Diego Cardoso (UFPR)
Ecivaldo Matos (UFBA)
Edna Canedo (UnB)
Edson Rufino (UFES)
Eduardo Tanaka (Eldorado Research Institute)
Eliana Moreira (IFSP)
Emilene Zitkus (Loughborough University)
Evandro Miletto (IFRS)
Fernando Figueira Filho (UFRN)
Frederick van Amstel (UTFPR)
Geórgia Cruz (UFC)
Giseli Lopes (UFRJ)
Heloisa Candello (IBM Research)
Ingrid Monteiro (UFC)
Isabela Gasparini (UDESC)
Jair Leite (UFRN)
Jean Rosa (UFBA)
João Soares de Oliveira Neto (UFBA)
João Luiz Bernardes Júnior (USP)
João Vilnei de Oliveira Filho (UFC)
Jonice Oliveira (UFRJ)
José Maria David (UFJF)
Juan González (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla)
Juliana Bueno (UFPR)
Juliana Jansen Ferreira (IBM Research)
Juliana Saraiva (UFPB)
Julio Dos Reis (UNICAMP)
Karina Mariela Figueroa Mora (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo)
Kathia Marçal de Oliveira (Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis)
Leander Oliveira (UEM)
Leandro Wives (UFRGS)
Leticia Machado (UFPA)
Leticia Peres (UFPR)
Luana Müller (PUCRS)
Luciana Salgado (UFF)
Luciana Zaina (UFSCAR)
Luciano Flores (UFRGS)
Manoel Pereira Junior (IFMG)
Marcelle Mota (UFPA)
Marcelo Eler (USP)
Marcelo Pimenta (UFRGS)
Marco Winckler (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Marcos Seruffo (UFPA)
Marcos Alexandre Rose Silva (UFSM)
Maria Villela (UFV)
Maria Augusta Silveira Netto Nunes (UNIRIO)
Marianne Eliasquevici (UFPR)
Marilia Mendes (UFC)
Mauro Pichiliani (IBM)
Milene Silveira (PUCRS)
Mohd Kamal Othman (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak)
Natasha Valentim (UFPR)
Patricia Cristiane de Souza (UFMT)
Paulo Andre Pontes (UFPA)
Paulyne Jucá (UFC)
Rainara Carvalho (UFC)
Ranilson Paiva (UFAL)
Raquel Prates (UFMG)
Renan Vinicius Aranha (USP)
Renata Fortes (ICMC-USP)
Ricardo Caceffo (UNICAMP)
Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel (UFBA)
Roberto Pereira (UFPR)
Rodrigo Santos (UNIRIO)
Rodrigo Seabra (UNIFEI)
Sandro Luis Freire de Castro Silva (INCA)
Saul Delabrida (UFOP)
Sílvio Cazella (UFCSPA)
Simone Barbosa (PUC-Rio)
Simone S. Borges (UTFPR)
Soraia Prietch (UFR)
Sylvana Carla (IFB)
Taciana Pontual Falcão (UFRPE)
Tayana Conte (UFAM)
Thais Castro (UFAM)
Thiago dos Santos (UFABC)
Thiago Rocha Silva (University of Southern Denmark)
Tiago Barros Pontes e Silva (UnB)
Tiago Silva da SIlva (UNIFESP)
Tiago Franklin Rodrigues Lucena (UEM)
Vânia Almeida Neris (UFSCar)
Vaninha Vieira (UFBA)
Vinícius Segura (IBM Research)
Vinicius Mota (UFES)
Vinicius Pereira (UFMT)
Willian Watanabe (UTFPR)
Windson Viana (UFC)
Yuska Paola Costa Aguiar (UFPB)


Kamila Rios Rodrigues (ICMC-USP) –
Ticianne Darin (UFC)-

Important dates

Abstract submission: 05/23/22, was 05/16/22
Paper submission: 06/05/22, was 05/23/22
Rebuttal: 07/25/22 to 08/01/22, was 7/11/22 to 7/18/22
Notification of results: 08/17/22, was 08/01/22
Submission of the final version: 08/28/22, was 08/08/22