IHC 2021

Workshop on Theses and Dissertations in HCI

Accepted Papers

Collaborative design of IoT systems for smart cities with and for citizen participation – Tatiana Alencar (Universidade Federal de São Carlos), Luciana Zaina (Universidade Federal de São Carlos)

Explorando Estruturas de Componentes em Visualizações Narrativas de Dados – Mariana Borges (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul), Milene Silveira (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul)

Um framework para avaliação do Retorno sobre o Investimento em Design de Experiência do Usuário – Gessé Evangelista (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais), Luciana Zaina (Universidade Federal de São Carlos)

Desenvolvimento de um framework de apoio à etapa de avaliação de soluções computacionais e à coleta de dados de indivíduos – Suzane dos Santos (Universidade de São Paulo), Kamila Rodrigues (Universidade de São Paulo)

Um Método Para Avaliar o Pensamento Espacial em Mapas Sociais Web – André Silva Neto (Universidade Federal do Pará), Marcelle Mota (Universidade Federal do Pará)

Uma análise sobre o controle dos usuários idosos sob suas redes sociais na perspectiva de IHC – Isadora Santos (Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia), Marcelle Mota  (Universidade Federal do Pará), Vinicius Abreu  (Universidade Federal do Pará)

Evaluating ChatGPT to Support Data Visualization Design – George de Oliveira (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro), Simone Barbosa  (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro)

Uso de tecnologias imersivas para avaliação do comportamento e seus desafios de implementação na Indústria – Mateus Coelho (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto), Saul Silva  (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto), Flávia Silvas (Instituto Tecnológico Vale)

Call for Papers

The Workshop on Theses and Dissertations in HCI (WTD-IHC) is a forum dedicated to the presentation, discussion, and improvement of ongoing master’s and doctoral research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).

It is a rich opportunity for the master’s/doctoral student to receive notes, suggestions, observations, and criticisms about their research through mentoring with experts in the field. It is a space for joint reflection to enrich the work and contribute to its completion.

It is not necessary to have a fully defined research to participate in the WTD-IHC! Instead, this forum is intended for work in progress that can benefit from discussions, and there is still time for change.

The main objectives of WTD-IHC are:

  1. Promote the visibility and improvement of ongoing research;
  2. Offer participants critiques of their research and future directions through a mentoring format with experienced researchers in the field;
  3. Foster a cooperative community among stricto sensu postgraduate students and a collaborative spirit of research;
  4. Provide an opportunity for students to interact with experienced researchers and experts from the HCI community.

In 2024, the WTD-IHC will have a dynamic format with moments focused on individual or collective mentoring, discussion, and evaluation.


Submissions will be analyzed considering the most significant potential for contributions to their improvement through participation in the WTD-IHC. Preferably, works in an intermediate stage of development and maturity will be selected; they already have some definitions but still have conditions for possible redirections. Very early, completed, or near-complete research is outside the workshop’s scope.

Work can be submitted to WTD-IHC even if another version of the research has been submitted to another IHC 2024 track (for example, research articles and articles on innovative ideas and emerging results in HCI), considering that the focus submission to the workshop must be on the project/design of the research in progress, not on its results, as in other tracks. Submissions in Portuguese or English will be accepted.

Authors must submit an extended abstract of up to 5 pages (including figures, tables, diagrams, bibliography, and annexes) containing:

  • The title of the research, the name of the doctoral/master’s student, the name of the supervisor and co-supervisor, the name of the institution and the postgraduate program, the number of months of work development and expected time for finish;
  • The motivation for the research, clearly indicating the problem addressed and its relevance, in addition to the objectives of the work;
  • The theoretical basis underlying the research and, if applicable, the comparison of the proposed research with related work;
  • The research methodology proposed to address the problem, with due detail, explaining how the work has been developed and evaluated;
  • The ethical procedures of the research, if applicable, and the submission status for evaluation by an Ethics Committee, if necessary.
  • The expected or partial results already obtained are related to the expected contributions to the HCI area.
  • The activity schedule highlighting the steps already completed (qualification, proposal, etc.) and future steps;
  • Optionally, a link to additional research artifacts (e.g., qualifying text, published articles, raw research data, digital repositories, etc.).

The nominated authorship of the submission must be exclusively that of the master’s/doctoral student and their supervisors.

Authors must follow the Code of Conduct for Authors in Brazilian Computing Society’s Publications.

Authors must submit their submissions electronically in PDF format through the JEMS system, per the SBC model. Submissions must follow the formalities indicated above to be considered.

Changing the language or authors will not be permitted after submitting the article.

If you have any questions, contact the coordination team (below).

Review Process

Each submission will be reviewed by at least three researchers in the field of HCI. The recommendations presented in the reviews received should guide the adaptation of the article’s final version if accepted.

Presentation and Publication

The selected works will be presented and discussed during the WTD-IHC, with members of the program committee and invited researchers. Since the workshop is characterized as a forum for debate about work in progress, authors must register for the conference and actively participate in the WTD-IHC, not only presenting their work, but also contributing to the other works accepted at the workshop.

To live up to the workshop’s objectives, the work must be presented exclusively by the student author and cannot be presented by the supervisor or any other person.

In the 2024 edition, there will be a mentoring session between the invited researchers and the authors of accepted works to facilitate more in-depth discussions about the works presented. After mentoring, authors will have the opportunity to improve their proposals based on the feedback received and will then present these improvements to the group.

Details about the activities and format of the workshop will be released in time so that participants can prepare in advance. Do not worry.  However, please plan to attend the entire workshop from 9 am to 12:30 pm on October 8th.

Accepted works will be published in the extended annals of IHC 2024 on the SBC Open Lib (SOL) platform, subject to the student’s registration and presentation at the event.


Ecivaldo Matos (USP) – ecivaldo@usp.br

Taciana Pontual (UFRPE) – taciana.pontual@ufrpe.br

Program Committe

Alan Keller Gomes – Instituto Federal de Goiás
Alessandro Assis – Nuance Communications
Awdren Fontão – Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul
Carla Rodriguez – Universidade Federal do ABC
Claiton Marques Correa – Instituto Federal de Farroupilha
Jean Rosa – ITI/LARSyS
Marcelle Mota – Universidade Federal do Pará
Marcos Alexandre Rose Silva – Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Milene Silveira – Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
Renato Balancieri – Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Valéria Rosa – Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia

Important Dates

Submission deadline for extended abstracts: June 24, 2024

Results notification: July 21, 2024

Final version submission: August 1st, 2024

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