IHC 2021

Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction Aspects for the Social Web

Accepted Papers

From Barriers to Inclusion: A Female-Inclusive Assessment Framework for Interface Evaluation – Barbara Drummond (Universidade Federal Fluminense), Luciana Salgado (Universidade Federal Fluminense), José Viterbo (Universidade Federal Fluminense)

Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma de dados abertos a partir do design sensível ao gênero –  Rodrigo Oliveira (Universidade Federal Fluminense), Luciana Salgado (Universidade Federal Fluminense), Silvia Amelia Bim (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná)

Acessibilidade nas Redes Sociais: Análises Sobre a Inclusão Social de Usuários de Baixo Letramento e Idosos – Clarice Mendes (Universidade Federal do Pará), Nicoly Menezes (Universidade Federal do Pará), Marcelle Mota (Universidade Federal do Pará)

Um Estudo Sobre as Dificuldades Enfrentadas por Pessoas com Deficiência Visual em Aplicativos de Redes Sociais – Jonas Gomes (Universidade Federal do Pará), Giselle Melo (Universidade Federal do Pará), Nicoly Menezes (Universidade Federal do Pará)
Marcelle Mota (Universidade Federal do Pará)

Desafios da Inteligência Artificial Generativa na Construção de Sistemas Computacionais Acessíveis – Ingrid da Silva (Universidade Federal do Pará), Luciano Teran (Universidade Federal do Pará), Marcelo Pereira (Universidade Federal do Pará), Marcelle Mota (Universidade Federal do Pará)

Call for Papers

The 15th edition of the Workshop on Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction for the Social Web (WAIHCWS’24) highlights the theme: “The Role of Emerging Technologies in the Social Web”. The workshop aims to foster discussions on approaches, methodologies, and challenges related to the social web. This year, marking its 15th anniversary, it seeks to address the challenges associated with interacting and using emerging technologies on the social web. Interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary works involving humanities and social sciences in the mentioned contexts are also encouraged in this edition of the WAIHCWS.

Submissions are expected to report studies describing emerging challenges, as well as the approaches and methodologies being adopted within the theme for various purposes, such as Artificial Intelligence, Augmented and Virtual Reality, the Metaverse, and other emerging technologies and the challenges arising from their use, including concerns about ethics, diversity, and social inclusion. Submissions should focus on human aspects resulting from the direct or indirect interaction with these technologies or their use in social software design.

This thematic represents an opportunity for researchers and users of the Social Web to report their experiences, standpoints on improvements, discussions about ethical issues and positive and negative aspects of new technologies, in addition to contributing to studies of new trends for social media. Interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary works involving the humanities and social sciences in the mentioned contexts are also encouraged in this edition of WAIHCWS.

Topics of interest include aspects related to the theme but are not limited to:

  • The use of Artificial Intelligence associated with the Social Web;
  • Metaverse, Augmented and Virtual Reality on the Social Web;
  • Diversity and Inclusion on the Social Web;
  • Identity, privacy, security, and ethical aspects of the Social Web;
  • The use of computational techniques for generating fake texts, audio, and videos (i.e., deep fake);
  • Sentiment analysis and polarization in social networks;
  • Hate speech, prejudiced and/or anti-democratic discourses in social media;
  • Monitoring misinformation and bots on social networks;
  • Approaches, best practices, methodologies, and challenges related to the use of emerging technologies;
  • Evaluation of interpersonal interactions through social networks;
  • Textual interpretation mechanisms to measure positive or negative hedonic sentiments;
  • Sustainability in design for the Social Web using Emerging Technologies;
  • Design and evaluation methods considering social issues and human values;
  • Theories and mechanisms for encouraging user participation and collaboration;
  • Cultural aspects, appropriation, emotional and affective factors, and the stimulation of sustainable and equitable behavior;
  • Communication, expression, collaboration, and sharing;
  • Auditability, trust, and reputation in social networks;
  • Ethics in the design, development, evaluation, and use of computational solutions on the Social Web;
  • Interfaces and solutions for promoting accessibility and usability aspects in social media;
  • Methods and techniques for evaluating User Experience (UX) in social media;
  • Online education, interaction in virtual learning environments, and communities of practice;
  • Interfaces and devices for social interaction from the perspective of Universal Design (or Design for All), Inclusive Design, and Design for Equity;
  • Factors, characteristics, and measures of success in social software;
  • Leveraging social knowledge;
  • Knowledge management and organizational learning combined with technical, human, social, and organizational aspects in developing social software.


Submissions are expected at all stages of development, describing research findings, empirical results, applied systems, and proposals that address aspects of the Social Web in the context of democracy and with a focus on Human-Computer Interaction. Theoretically, grounded positions and discussions on the topics of interest are also welcome.

Submissions should be extended abstracts, written in English or Portuguese, following the SBC (Brazilian Computer Society) article template. At the submission stage, they should contain between 2 and 5 pages (including figures, tables, and diagrams, excluding references and attachments) and must be submitted in PDF format through the JEMS system. In the event of acceptance, the final version should contain between 6 and 8 pages and will be submitted after the event. This allows the authors to reflect on suggestions made by participants during the workshop in their final versions.

Mandatory Section: Submissions must include the “Contributions to the Social Web” section, arguing for the originality, impact, and contributions of the research to the context of the Social Web, the area of the workshop. Papers lacking the section above will be automatically rejected and will not undergo the review process.

Submissions must adopt the double-blind review process. Authors should follow the instructions for anonymization. It is emphasized that studies involving human participants must adhere to recommendations regarding ethical aspects of research involving human beings.

Authors must follow the Code of Conduct for Authors in Brazilian Computing Society’s Publications.

Furthermore, authors are strongly encouraged to consult the SIGCHI Accessibility Guide for Authors and the guides available on the website of the Accessibility and Usability Center (NAU) at UNIRIO.

Changing the language or authors will not be permitted after submitting the article.

Review Process

Submissions will be reviewed by at least two researchers in the field. If reviews differ or are inconsistent, a third researcher will be invited to evaluate them. A meta-review process may also support the coordination team’s final decision.

If the submission is accepted, the authors (at least one) must present the work during the event. The submitted version will not be published. The final versions must be submitted after the event, reflecting the suggestions made in the reviews and by event participants.

Presentation and Publication

Publication in the SBC Open Lib (SOL) is conditional upon registrationby at least one of the paper’s authors. Furthermore, publication is also contingent upon the paper’s in-person presentation during the event.

The final versions of accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of WAIHCWS after the event has occurred and will be available online in SOL, the digital library of SBC, in the series Proceedings of the Workshop on Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction for the Social Web, ISSN 2596-0296. All papers will be indexed with DOI. Currently, WAIHCWS is ranked as Qualis B4.


Bruna Cunha  (ICMC/USP) – brunaru@icmc.usp.br
Paula Palomino (FATEC-Matão) – paula.palomino@fatec.sp.gov.br

Program Committee

Alan Keller Gomes – Instituto Federal de Goiás
Alessandro Rubim Assis – Nuance Communications
Caio Carvalho – Universidade Federal do Paraná
Camila Dias de Oliveira Sestito – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
Carlos Portela – Universidade Federal do Pará
Daniela Freitas Guilhermino Trindade – Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná
Deógenes P. Silva Junior – Universidade Federal do Paraná
Eduardo H. Tanaka – Eldorado Research Institute
Emanuel Ferreira Coutinho – Universidade Federal do Ceará
Flávia de Souza Santos – Universidade de São Paulo
Heitor Augustus Xavier Costa – Universidade Federal de Lavras
Isadora Mendes dos Santos – Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia
José Maria David – Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Marilia Soares Mendes – Universidade Federal do Ceará
Patricia Freitas Campos de Vasconcelos – Universidade Federal do Ceará
Priscilla Fonseca de Abreu Braz – Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Renan Vinicius Aranha – Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Rodrigo Bonacin – Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer
Rodrigo Oliveira Zacarias – Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Sandra Souza Rodrigues – Universidade Federal de Lavras
Thayssa Aguila da Rocha – Universidade Federal do Pará
Thiago Adriano Coleti – Universidade Estadual do Norte Paraná
Vinicius Hartmann Ferreira – Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Important Dates

Registration and Article Submission: July 22, 2024 (previously July 15)

Notification of results: August 18, 2024 

Presentation at the event: specific date during IHC 2024 (to be defined)

Submission of the Final Version (after the event):  November 12, 2024

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