IHC 2021

Workshop on HCI Education

Accepted Practices

Aprendizagem Imersiva: A Efetividade da Gamificação Narrativa nas Disciplinas de IHC e UX – Paula T. Palomino (Faculdade de Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo), Carlos Portela (Universidade Federal do Pará), Douglas Ribeiro (Faculdade de Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo)

Cartas de Mediação Tecnológica – Marcelo Soares Loutfi (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), Charles Siqueira Xavier (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), Beatriz Ventorini Lins de Albuquerque (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), Sean Wolfgand Matsui Siqueira (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)

Estudo Exploratório: articulação de problema em perspectiva –  Amanda Meincke Melo (Universidade Federal do Pampa)

GERSI: uma prática de plano de projeto centrado no usuário – Cristiane Aparecida Lana  (Centro Universitário de Viçosa)

O Uso do Design Thinking como Metodologia de Ensino da Disciplina de Interação Humano-Computador  – Klebson Silva (Universidade Federal do Pará), Gleyciane B. Freitas (Universidade Federal do Pará), Taylor C. Alves (Universidade Federal do Pará), Josué V. Ferreira (Universidade Federal do Pará), Paula T. Palomino (Faculdade de Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo), Carlos S. Portela (Universidade Federal do Pará)

Registro Fotográfico no Ensino de Acessibilidade – Amanda Meincke Melo (Universidade Federal do Pampa)

SimLab: uma abordagem integradora no ensino de IHC  – Cristiane Aparecida Lana (Centro Universitário de Viçosa), Sandra Rodrigues (Universidade Federal de Lavras)

Call for Papers

The Workshop on HCI Education (WEIHC), which will take place during IHC 2024, is the main Brazilian forum where professors, scientists, and students of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), among other individuals interested in the subject, have a space to (re)think and share experiences, methods, and didactic tools for teaching and learning HCI.

Continuing the proposal from its previous edition, the workshop will be dedicated to hands-on activities primarily focused on disseminating HCI teaching practices. Aligned to the theme of IHC 2024 – “HCI in convergence at the heart of Brazil” – practices that value meetings, dialogue, and exchange of experiences among stakeholders in the design and evaluation of interactive computing systems for human use will be prioritized.

It is desirable that these practices have already been experimented within extension activities. However, practices that have been adopted in HCI teaching with potential for application in University Extension will be accepted. Thus, the aim is to contribute to the process of integrating University Extension into the curriculum with practices that can be adopted in extension activities, emphasizing collaborative activities.

We consider that more in-depth papers regarding experiences in HCI Education will be submitted to the Experience Reports Track. This year, we will continue to accept submissions of HCI teaching practices with the aim of creating a digital book to be made available to the community. During the event, these practices will be discussed and experimented with by participants, with curricularization as a central element.

To contribute to reflections on the Curricularization of Extension in Computing courses, we recommend reading the article “Curricularization of University Extension: what does the Brazilian Computing community have to do with it?“, available in the SBC Horizontes magazine.

Submissson Instructions

Submissions are not anonymous; therefore, the names of the authors must be included. The practices should be written in Portuguese, following the chapter template of the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC), and should include the following items:

  • Practice Name
  • Topic (What is it about?)
  • Objective (For what?)
  • Materials (What materials are needed?)
  • Method (How to use it in class?)
  • Evaluation (How to evaluate? if applied to the case)
  • Use Experience (How many times has it been applied? How many classes/extension actions/students have participated? In what teaching modality? What were the lessons learned?)
  • Practice in the context of Curricularization of Extension (reflections and adoption possibilities)

Authors must follow the Code of Conduct for Authors in Brazilian Computing Society’s Publications.

Submissions should contain 4 to 6 pages (including all the items previously exposed) – excluding references. The authors must submit their contributions electronically, using the JEMS system, in PDF format.

Changing the language or authors will not be permitted after submitting the report.

Privacy and General Data Protection Regulation

Considering Law No. 13,709, dated August 14, 2018 (General Data Protection Law – LGPD), privacy aspects of participants in the activities must be observed. Therefore, we recommend taking precautions to preserve the privacy of these individuals in photos, videos, and other materials submitted to WEIHC that may expose their identities.

We recommend blurring or obscuring faces or taking actions to prevent identification. In cases where anonymization is not possible, access to image usage agreements from the project, signed by the participant or their respective legal guardians, should be made available.

Review Process

Each submission will be reviewed by at least two HCI experts with teaching or University Extension experience. The practices will be selected for publication as a chapter in the mentioned book based on the quality of the work and the detail that leads to reflection and possible replication of use.

Presentation and Publication

The presentations of the practices must be made in person during the event, and specific instructions will be given to the authors at an opportune moment.

At least one author must register and present the work during the Workshop in a format, location, and time to be defined by the coordination for insertion of the article in the book.


Amanda Meincke Melo (UNIPAMPA) – amandamelo@unipampa.edu.br

Thiago Adriano Coleti (UENP) – thiago.coleti@uenp.edu.br

Program Committee

Marcelo Morandini – Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo
Guilherme Corredato Guerino – Universidade Estadual do Paraná  (UNESPAR)
Maria Renata de Mira Gobbo – Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas – Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná (UENP)

Important Dates

Practice submission: July 29, 2024 (previously July 15)

Notification of results: August 21, 2024 (previously August 18)

Submission of the final version: August 29, 2024

Presentation: specific date during IHC 2024 (to be defined)

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