IHC 2021

Junia Coutinho Anacleto Award

Accepted works

An Approach for Designing and Exploring Customizable Narrative Data Visualizations – Claiton Correa (IF – Farroupilha), Milene Silveira (PUCRS)

Guidelines for Designing IoT Applications for Older Adults – Sandra Rodrigues (UFLA), Renata Fortes (USP), Kamila Rodrigues (USP)

PTMOL: A Privacy Threat Modeling Language for Online Social Networks  – Andrey Rodrigues (UFAM),  Maria Villela (UFV), Eduardo Feitosa (UFAM)

Deceptive Patterns under a Sociotechnical View – Luiz Baroni (UFPR), Roberto Pereira (UFPR)

Human Factors in the Design of Chatbot Interactions: Conversational Design Practices – Geovana Silva (UNB), Edna Canedo (UNB)

UX-RIVIS: Visualization of information about UX data based on app reviews – Ariel Campos (UFSCar), Luciana Zaina (UFSCar)

AccessCrawler – Um Web crawler para avaliar a acessibilidade Web de um site – Lucinéia Maia (UFOP), Filipe Nunes Soares (UFOP)

K.eyes: an application to assist in the self-makeup process for visually impaired women – Rute Pereira (UFC), Ingrid Monteiro (UFC)

The SIMCAQ System: a Sociotechnical Diagnosis – Eduardo Souza (UFPR), Roberto Pereira (UFPR)

Call for Papers

The Special Commission on Human-Computer Interaction (CEIHC) of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) announces a call for a competition that will select and award the best Doctorate, Master’s, and Undergraduate works in HCI in the country, defended and approved from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. The competition will award the Junia Coutinho Anacleto Award for Theses, Dissertations, and Undergraduate Works for submissions in each category.

Submissions will compete in a single category (Doctorate, Master’s, Undergraduate) and will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. Relevance of the investigated problem
  2. Relevance of the results obtained
  3. Advance in the state of the art in HCI
  4. Methodological rigor and ethical responsibility
  5. Originality (of the theme and the solution)
  6. Contributions of the research (scientific, technical, social)
  7. Adequacy to this call

Submission Instructions

Submissions must be made using the JEMS system. Each submission must include the following mandatory documents (1, 2, and 3), in pdf format:

  • Paper: the text must follow the instructions for writing and formatting articles. The focus of the text is to present all the research carried out during the master’s, doctoral, or undergraduate project. Therefore, the document should not contain only partial results but rather a summarized and critical overview of the entire project. The text must be original, that is, specifically elaborated for the competition, explicitly presenting the following elements:
      • Title and identification: the title of the defended research and authorship (student and advisor(s)) indicating the institution where the work was defended; the title may be different from the defended research if a paper has already been published with the same title;
      • Research problem: contextualization and description of the problem investigated in the thesis, dissertation, or scientific initiation/undergraduate thesis;
      • Produced solution: solution (conceptual, methodological, technical, etc.) to the stated research problem;
      • Method: explanation and justification of the adopted method(s) for conducting the research;
      • Results and discussion: synthesis of the obtained results, their implications (for theory and practice), relationships with existing literature, etc;
      • Contributions to the HCI area: defense of the originality, impact, and contributions (methodological, state-of-the-art, theoretical, technical) of the research to knowledge in HCI, including research products and sub-products (for example: papers, patents, software records, artifacts, technical reports, etc.);
      • Ethical considerations: explanation and justification of how ethical issues related to the research were addressed, according to event-specific guidelines;
      • Conclusion: outlining the main conclusions resulting from the research, its limitations, threats to validity, research developments, feasibility of future work, etc.
  • Full text of the defended thesis, dissertation, or undergraduate work. The full text will essentially serve as a reference source for the research results and details reported in the paper;
  • Proof of approval: scanned copy of the diploma or document (e.g., defense minutes) that proves the defense and approval of the work by the evaluation board.

It is important that the paper (Item 1) defend the relevance of the theme and results and the main research challenges. The originality and robustness of the method must be evidenced in the text, as well as the ethical issues of the research.

When applicable, also indicate research by-products (e.g., patents, registered programs, public/free domain programs), papers published or accepted for publication, promotional videos, as well as any other elements that help justify the research being considered one of the best in the country in the area of HCI.

Authors must follow the Code of Conduct for Authors in Brazilian Computing Society’s Publications.

Questions can be forwarded directly to the coordination of the Junia Coutinho Anacleto Award.


Each submission will be evaluated by at least 3 (three) professionals with a Ph.D. who work in the area of HCI and who will evaluate the research in relation to the criteria indicated at the beginning of the call. Submissions will go through an eliminatory phase, and a classification phase conducted by a Selection Committee made up of 3 (three) people selected by the coordination of this award.

  • Eliminatory phase: the committee will discuss the results of the evaluation to select accepted papers. A maximum of 3 (three) papers will be selected in each category (Doctorate, Master’s, Undergraduate). Depending on the results of the reviews, the committee reserves the right not to select any paper at this stage of the competition. Papers approved in the eliminatory phase will be published in the main proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems;
  • Classification phase: the selected papers will be presented in an exclusive session at the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (IHC 2024). At this stage, the Selection Committee will also consider the quality of the presentation and responses to questions from the jury to define the classification of the research. Registration and presentation of the paper at the event by the main author is mandatory for classification at this stage and for publication of the paper in the proceedings. Accepted articles will be published in the event proceedings. The rules for publication are described on the instructions for publication page.

Presentation and Awarding

Presentations of selected works must be carried out by the student author of the work. Presentations from supervisors will not be accepted, seeking to ensure the fairness and equity of the competition. The publication of the work in the proceedings is also conditioned on the student’s presentation at the event.

All research presented in the qualifying phase will receive a Finalist Certificate of the Junia Coutinho Anacleto Award in their respective categories (PhD, Master’s, Undergraduate).

After the presentations, the Selection Committee will meet and define the best PhD thesis, the best Master’s dissertation, and the best undergraduate work in HCI, which will receive an award certificate.

In addition to the awarding of the best research, the Selection Committee may award Honorable Mentions to research that has stood out in some aspect, such as originality, scientific and technological challenges faced, theoretical and methodological rigor, or social responsibility and impact.

The awards will be awarded during IHC 2024. The winning research will be listed on the CEIHC page with a link to their respective papers and invited to submit an extended version in English, with at least 35% original content, for partner journals.

Issues not foreseen in this call will be dealt with by the Coordination Committee.


Kamila Rios Rodrigues (USP São Carlos) – kamila.rios@icmc.usp.br

Luciana Salgado (UFF) – luciana@ic.uff.br

Program Committee

Amanda Melo – Universidade Federal do Pampa
André da Silva – Instituto Federal de São Paulo – Campus Hortolândia / NIED-UNICAMP
Andréia Libório – Universidade Federal do Ceará
Andre Freire – Universidade Federal de Lavras
Angélica Dias – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Anna Beatriz Marques – Universidade Federal do Ceará
Bruna da Cunha – University of Sao Paulo
Carla Rodriguez – Universidade Federal do ABC
Claudia Cappelli – Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro
Daniela Trevisan – Universidade Federal Fluminense
Ecivaldo Matos – Universidade de São Paulo
Edna Canedo – Universidade de Brasília
Emilene de Andrade – Loughborough University
George Valença – Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
Ingrid Monteiro – Universidade Federal do Ceará
Isabela Gasparini – Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
Jair Leite – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Juliana França – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Kamila Rodrigues – Universidade de São Paulo
Leander Oliveira – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
Leticia Machado – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Luciana Salgado – Universidade Federal Fluminense
Luciana Zaina – Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Marcelle Mota – Universidade Federal do Pará
Marcelo Eler – Universidade de São Paulo
Marcelo Morandini – Universidade de São Paulo
Marcos Seruffo – Universidade Federal do Pará
Marcos Alexandre Silva – Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Maria Villela – Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Marilia Amaral – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
Milene Silveira – Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
Natasha Valentim – Universidade Federal do Paraná
Paula Palomino – Faculdade de Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo
Raissa Barcellos – Universidade Federal Fluminense
Renan Aranha – Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Rodrigo Seabra – Universidade Federal de Itajubá
Sandra Rodrigues – Universidade Federal de Lavras
Saul Delabrida – Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Simone Barbosa – Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Suzane dos Santos – Universidade de São Paulo
Taciana Falcão – Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
Ticianne Darin – Universidade Federal do Ceará
Vania Neris – Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Yuska Aguiar – Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Important Dates

Submission registration: June 03, 2024

Submission of the article and other files: June 10, 2024

Notification of elimination stage results: July 22, 2024

Submission of the final version of the paper: August 8, 2024

Presentation in the qualifying Phase: during IHC 2024 (between October 7th and 11th 2024)

Awards: During IHC 2024

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