IHC 2021

International Works

Papers Accepted

“Um estudo de mapeamento sistemático sobre privacidade em redes sociais: ameaças e soluções”
Andrey Rodrigues, Maria Lúcia Vilela e Eduardo Feitosa
“Objetos de aprendizagem acessíveis: uma revisão sistemática da literatura”
Michele dos Santos Soares, Cássio Andrade Furukawa, Maria Istela Cagnin e Débora Maria Barroso Paiva
“Estudo de caso de um modelo que avalia a experiência do aluno com TDICs”
Gabriela Corbari dos Santos, Deivid Eive dos S. Silva, Letícia Mara Peres e Natasha MC Valentim
“Aprimorando a experiência dos desenvolvedores (DevEx) para uma implementação bem-sucedida do sistema de design”
Paula Palomino, Murilo Fonseca, Jefferson Souza, Armando Toda, Rodrigo Lisboa Pereira, Thiago Cordeiro, Alan Pedro da Silva e Diego Demerval
“Investigação psicométrica da escala de tipos de usuários Hexad de gamificação com adolescentes falantes do português brasileiro”
Ana Cláudia Guimarães Santos, Pedro Kenzo Muramatsu, Wilk Oliveira, Sivaldo Joaquim, Juho Hamari e Seiji Isotani
“Interação Socioenativa: Abordando a Intersubjetividade em Cenários de Design Ubíquos”
Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas, Emanuel Felipe Duarte e José A. Valente

Call for Papers

The IHC 2024 International Works Track aims to share knowledge and promote discussions through works published in international journals or conferences on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).

This track invites all people interested in publicizing their work(s) accepted or published in international journals or conferences and who wish to integrate them into the Brazilian HCI community, expanding visibility for all people who work in the area, either in Brazil or abroad.

Selection Criteria

The selection of works will be made by a committee to be announced according to the following criteria:

  • Works accepted/published in the years 2023 and 2024;
  • Relevance of the contribution of the works to the Brazilian HCI community;
  • Accepted/published works in international journals and magazines, with a rigorous evaluation policy based on the evaluation of the article by an editorial board with recognized reputation in the area and that has not had the opportunity to be presented to the Brazilian HCI community. Examples of venues: TOCHI, TACCESS, Interactions, Interacting with Computers, Behavior & Information Technology, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, and UAIS;
  • Works that have been accepted/published in the Journal on Interactive Systems (JIS), as long as they are not extended versions of works already published in previous IHC editions;
  • Works that have been accepted/published in high-quality international conferences, with a rigorous evaluation policy based on the evaluation of the full paper by a program committee with a recognized reputation in the area and that are relevant to the Brazilian HCI community. Examples of venues: CHI, CSCW, CUI, IMX, ECSCW, NordiCHI, Interact, EICS, IUI, DIS, ASSETS, W4A, and CHI PLAY.

Submissons Instructions

Authors must register their submissions electronically in only one PDF file via the JEMS system, including all the items listed below, in free format:

  1. Title: Authors can use the same as the accepted/published work;
  2. Abstract: Authors can use the same as the accepted/published work;
  3. Publication venue: Full reference in ACM format;
  4. Link to Original Publication: valid link to the original work;
  5. Why would you like to present this work to the Brazilian HCI community?;
  6. Has any work related to this project already been published in Brazilian events?
    If yes, please specify. This information will not be used for selection but rather to identify works/projects that were presented in the initial stages but which were not seen by the Brazilian community;
  7. Original Publication (PDF format) merged with the file containing the description of the previous items (1 to 6).


Important: Authors are responsible for ensuring that the submission does not infringe the copyright of the accepted/published work.


  • After acceptance notification, authors can optionally submit an extended abstract of 2 to 4 pages (excluding references), following the SBC conference template for publishing the work;
  • Considering that the focus is to give visibility to the work for the Brazilian community, the extended abstracts accepted must be written in Portuguese;
  • If the authors deem it appropriate, the extended abstract may present new results of the project;
  • Authors must follow the Code of Conduct for Authors in the Brazilian Computer Society’s Publications.

If the authors choose to submit the extended abstract for publication, it will be published in the Companion Proceedings of IHC 2024 at SBC OpenLib (SOL).


In IHC 2024, presentations of selected works will take place in a specific session covering related topics, related methods, experience with the submission processes and reviewers’ comments, among others.

Authors are expected to contextualize the works published in international journals and conferences during the presentation session, promoting discussions and learning. As such, we hope to encourage the dissemination of works and experience with submission and evaluation processes in international venues. All accepted works must be presented at the conference, even if the authors choose not to publish the extended abstract.


Heloisa Candello – IBM Research – hcandello@br.ibm.com

Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos – UNIRIO – rps@uniriotec.br 

Program Committee

Allysson Araújo (UFCA)
André Salgado (UFLA)
André Freire (UFLA)
Andrey Rodrigues (UFAM)
Anna Beatriz Marques (UFC)
Diego Cardoso (UFPA)
Edna Canedo (UnB)
Flávio Silva (USP)
Guilherme Guerino (UNESPAR)
Heloisa Candello (Pesquisa IBM)
Isabela Gasparini (UDESC)
Jean Rosa (ITI/LARSyS)
Juliana Jansen (Pesquisa IBM)
Kamila Rodrigues (USP)
Marcelo Eler (USP)
Milene Silveira (PUCRS)
Paula Palomino (FATEC)
Rodrigo Santos (UNIRIO)
Rodrigo Seabra (UNIFEI)
Thiago Coleti (UENP)
Tiago Silva (UnB)
Ticianne Darin (UFC)
Vânia Neris (UFSCar)
Walter Nakamura (UTFPR)

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: June 17th, 2024

Notification: July 1st, 2024

Camera-ready (extended abstract): August 5th, 2024

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