IHC 2021

Instructions on Ethical Aspects in Research 

The following information applies to all IHC 2024 tracks that accept papers on human subjects research.

When submitting their paper, the authors declare themselves responsible for any aspect of the work involving studies with people and for conducting them following the ethical standards and guidelines of research, including the approval of all relevant bodies, when necessary. Additionally, we expect all submissions to comply with the ACM Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects

To safeguard the rights and dignity of research participants, when reporting studies involving humans, papers should contain a section called Ethical Concerns”, in which the authors indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the Regulatory Standards and Guidelines of the Research Involving Human Beings – CNS Res. No. 466/2012, Operational Standard 001/2013, CNS Res. No. 510/2016 and CNS Res. No. 674/2022 (for national research). In necessary cases, it is desirable to inform the Ethics Committee approval number (institutional or national) in the final version and indicate the existence of this number in the submission version (but suppressed, to preserve anonymity in the review). 

This means that papers must clearly state that the ethical issues that apply to them in your own country have been followed. This statement must contain an explanation and justification of how the ethical issues of the research were considered. It is not limited to mention of approval by the Research Ethics Committee and CAAE number, but covers the collection, processing and availability of data, care for possible impacts resulting from the research and its conduct, concern with the transparency and auditability of results, dissemination and use of research products, etc. 

When applicable, it is necessary to present the reason why ethical analysis is waived.