IHC 2021

Instructions on Anonymized Submission

The following instructions apply to the main tracks. For additional information about the tracks, see the specific pages:

Research Track

Innovative Ideas and Emerging Results Track

Experience Reports Track

Posters and Demonstrations

Some tracks adopt a double-blind review process. We recommend authors consult the article Guia Rápido para Submissão Anônima: proteja sua identidade corretamente”, published in SBC Horizontes and authored by Prof. Mirella Moro. 

In general, both the authors’ names and affiliations must be omitted in the paper.  In addition, the following rules must be followed:

  • Citations to the authors’ own related work must be written in the third person. For example, one should write “the previous work of Silva et al.” instead of “our previous work”. Links to sites such as GitHub, names of universities, identification of funding bodies, and cities and states must be anonymized.
  • If the submitted work is an evolution of a previous work, it is possible to anonymize the reference in the submitted paper. For example, “the previous work of Silva et al.” should be adapted to “based on previous work [X],” and the reference at the end of the paper can be presented as “[X] anonymous authors due to double-blind review.”

Reviewers will be encouraged not to look for references that identify the authors in other sources, as searches in digital libraries or existing artifacts do not invalidate the anonymization rules.

After the acceptance of the paper, all information (without anonymization) can be included in the final version.