IHC 2021

Innovative Ideas and Emerging Results

Papers Accepted

  • Color Contrast Compliance: Evaluating Website Accessibility in Brazil. Erik Da Costa Nunes (UFC), Kezia Castro (UFC), Esdras Levy de Freitas dos Anjos (UFC), Pedro Silva (UFC) and Ingrid Monteiro (UFC)
  • Children’s Rights, not Deceptive Patterns by Design: a Requirements Perspective. George Valença (UFRPE), João Silva (UFRPE), Beatriz Rocha (CEWEB.br) and Diogo Cortiz (PUC-SP)
  • Mind the Gap between UX Data and Visualization Proposals: An approach emerged from the grey literature to support the analysis of user dissatisfaction. Maylon Macedo (Universidade Federal de São Carlos) and Luciana Zaina (UFSCar)
  • Conversational-linguistic politeness parameters for chatbot design: a card-based approach. Mateus Monteiro (UFF), Vinicius Pereira (UFMT) and Luciana Salgado (UFF)
  • “I need to know!”: Recommendations on the Right to Information in Computer-Mediated Human Relations. Erik Da Costa Nunes (UFC) and Ingrid Monteiro (UFC)
  • Thunder: A Design Process to Build Emotionally Engaging Music Visualizations. Caio Eduardo Nunes (UFC), Mariana Castro (UFC), Isabelle Reinbold (UFC) and Ticianne Darin (UFC)
  • Investigating technology users’ behavior and difficulties in two different multilingual contexts. Diego Moreira da Rosa (IFRS), Leandro Guedes (Università della Svizzera italiana – Suíça), Monica Landoni (Università della Svizzera italiana – Suíça), and Milene Silveira (PUCRS)
  • Human+Human or Human+AI: A Comparative Analysis of a Narrative Visualization Design Guide. Mariana Borges (PUCRS), Claiton Marques Correa (IFFar) and Milene Silveira (PUCRS)
  • Towards the access to information regarding the Personal Data Handling: A proposal for improvement and simplification of Privacy and Security Policies.  Michel Yvano (USP), Thiago Coleti (UENP), Wellington Aparecido Della Mura (UENP), Carla Fioravante (UENP), Maria Luisa Moreira de Souza (UENP), Larissa Amadeu Teixeira (UENP) and Marcelo Morandini (USP)
  • Guidelines for Feminist HCI in practice: How far are we?. Maria Isabele de Oliveira Freires (UFC), Kellen Monteiro (UFC), Geslâne Rodrigues de Sena (UFC), Joana Silva (UFC), Valéria Pinheiro (UFC) and Anna Beatriz Marques (UFC)
  • Connecting silent worlds: essential requirements for automatic translation systems for communication between deaf and hearing people in the healthcare context. Natália Santos (UFMG), Julia Manuela Guerreiro Soares (UFMG), Lucas Souza (UFMG) and Raquel Prates (UFMG)
  • Proposal for a tool for the applicability of VR and BCI in an interdisciplinary study to infer attention in individuals with ADHD. Pedro Malaquias (UFOP), Victor Alvarenga (UFOP), Mateus Coelho (UFOP), Adriene Santanna (UFOP), Christianne Miranda (UFOP) and Saul Delabrida (UFOP)
  • A Method for Evaluating Usability Mechanisms in Software Systems. Bruna Santos (UnB), André Barros de Sales (UnB), Eduardo Palmeira (UDESC) and Fabiana Mendes (UnB)
  • They Say That the World Was Built for Two, But Deceptive Patterns Say Otherwise: A Critical Game for Player Empowerment. Luiz Gonzaga dos Santos Filho (UFC), Alairton Sousa Junior (UFC), Giovanna Ribeiro (UFC) and Ticianne Darin (UFC)
  • Opportunities and Challenges for Designing Interactive Applications for Coffee Producers in the Countryside of Brazil. Gabriela Silva Memento (UFLA), Estevão Augusto da Fonseca Santos (UFLA), Diego de Souza Marques (UFLA), Pedro Henrique Falleiros Sampaio Presotto (UFLA), André de Lima Salgado (UFLA) and Andre Freire (UFLA)
  • Nudge Evidence Briefing: A Proposal for Transferring Scientific Knowledge about Nudges. Vinicius Gomes (UFPE), José Adson Cunha (UFPB), Kássio Lima (UFPB) and Hermano Moura (UFPE)
  • Evaluating the User Experience of Consumer Sleep Technologies. Francisco Catunda Neto (UFC), Emanuel Coutinho (UFC), Carlos Feitosa (UFC) and Marcelo Martins da Silva (UFC)

Call for Papers

The Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (IHC) is the largest Brazilian national event in the area of ​​Human-Computer Interaction. In 2020, it had an H5 of 11 and is improving. It is an event classified by CAPES with stratum A3 in the 2017-2020 four-year period.

The Innovative Ideas and Emerging Results track has become established in IHC as a space for the presentation of original and stimulating research in the area of Human-Computer Interaction to accelerate the exposure of the scientific community to new insights, themes, and theories, as well as promising and inspiring results. It is important to emphasize that this track is not for short articles but for presenting and sharing emerging and potentially innovative research or techniques and perspectives that challenge the status quo in Human-Computer Interaction.

Attention: If your article is in the early stages but has relevant findings in the area of Human-Computer Interaction and is of interest to the event, the correct track for submission is Posters and Demonstrations.

Therefore, if your article meets at least one of the objectives listed below, this is the track for you to submit your work:

  • Share innovative ideas. The aim is to increase understanding and awareness of the innovative idea to be discussed. This innovative idea may help to expand and define relevant themes related to the problems investigated in HCI.
  • Present and discuss emerging results. Emerging results can be characterized by partial and/or preliminary results that denote one of the stages achieved within a process that will still be finalized in an HCI research.


We invite submissions that present their paths taken and discuss their glimpses of the directions to be taken in their research on various topics and methodologies in HCI, which may include:

  • Original and innovative technologies, techniques, or prototypes;
  • Qualitative or quantitative studies containing a complete analysis;
  • Contributions that broaden discussions of previous research;
  • Notes and reflections that motivate new themes, challenges, debates, or future work;
  • Theoretical or methodological contributions that promote discussions of high relevance to the community.


Submissions should present an original contribution, not published elsewhere, and not under review in other conferences or journals.

Submission Instructions

Questions can be sent directly to the Innovative Ideas and Emerging Results Track coordination.

Review Process

The Innovative Ideas and Emerging Results Track will follow the “Revise and resubmit” review process.


The rules for publication are described on the instructions for publication page. The authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version in English, with at least 35% original content, in the Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (JBCS) or Journal on Interactive Systems (JIS).


Article presentations during the event will only be made in person. The coordination of the Innovative Ideas and Emerging Results Track will send emails to the authors specifying the details, including the maximum presentation length and slide models.


André de Lima Salgado (UFLA) – andre.salgado@ufla.br

Marcelle Mota (UFPA) – mpmota@ufpa.br

Program Committee

Alan Keller Gomes (IFGO)
Alessandro Assis (Nuance Communications)
André de Lima Salgado (UFLA)
Andrey Rodrigues (UFAM)
Bruno Gadelha (UFAM)
Carlos Silva (UPE)
Cristiano Maciel (UFMT)
Daniel Lucrédio (UFSCar)
Daniel Stefany Duarte Caetano (UFU)
Fernanda Lima (UnB)
Flávio Soares Corrêa da Silva (USP)
Guilherme Guerino (UNESPAR)
Gustavo Vale (Universidade de Passau)
Haroldo de Mello Júnior (UERJ)
Heitor Costa (UFLA)
Ildevana Poltronieri (UNIPAMPA)
João Soares de Oliveira Neto (UFBA)
Juliana Fernandes (IFPI)
Júlio Dos Reis (UNICAMP)
Kamila Rodrigues (USP)
Marcelo Morandini (USP)
Marcelo Pimenta (UFRS)
Marco Winckler (Universidade Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Marcos Seruffo (UFPA)
Marcos Alexandre Rose Silva (UFSM)
Maria Villela (UFV)
Paulyne Jucá (UFC)
Pedro Henrique Dias Valle (USP)
Sílvio Cazella (UFCSPA)
Taciana Pontual Falcão (UFRPE)
Talita Britto Pichiliani (Google)
Tayana Conte (UFAM)
Thais Castro (UFAM)
Tiago Barros Pontes e Silva (UbB)
Tiago da Silva (UNIFESP)
Valdecir Becker (UFPB)
Vinicius Pereira (UFMT)
Williamson Silva (UNIPAMPA)
Yuska Paola Costa Aguiar (UFPB)
André da Silva (IFSP)
André Freire (UFLA)
Áurea Melo (UEA)
Carolina Sacramento (FIOCRUZ)
Celso Saibel Santos (UFES)
Debora Paiva (UFMS)
Ecivaldo Matos (USP)
Eduardo Tanaka (Instituto de Pesquisa Eldorado)
Emanuel Coutinho (UFC)
Isabel Cristina Silva (UFCSPA)
Isabela Gasparini (UDESC)
Jair Leite (UFRN)
Luciana Salgado (UFF)
Ludmilla Galvão (UFPR)
Marília Mendes (UFC)
Milene Silveira (PUCRS)
Natasha Valentim (UFPR)
Saul Delabrida (UFOP)
Silvia Amélia Bim (UTFPR)
Simone Costa (UFES)
Sthéfano Divino (UFLA)
Thiago Coleti (UENP)
Ticianne Darin (UFC)
Claiton Correa (IFFar)
Revisores adicionais:
André Silva Neto (UFPA)
Leihge Pereira (UFMT)
Luciano Teran (UFPA)
Suzane dos Santos (USP)

Important Dates

Submission registration: May 13, 2024

Paper submission: May 22, 2024 until 12:00 p.m.

1st results notification: July 10, 2024

Resubmission (replica and revised version): July 20, 2024

2nd results notification: August 07, 2024

Final version submission: August 17, 2024

Presentation: during IHC 2024 (between October 7th and 11th 2024)

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