IHC 2021

HCI in Practice

Accepted Papers

Painel de dados do Sistec: uma ferramenta para apoio à tomada de decisão – Fábio Henrique Oliveira, João Paulo Folador, Nadia Garlet, Rejane Maria Vago, Jabson Cavalcante Dias

Melhorando a Experiência do Usuário em Plataformas de Atendimento Veterinário Domiciliar: O Caso da PawKeepr – Luiz dos Santos, Elisrenan Silva, Murilo Montino, Edilene Paixão, Mariano Mendonca

Immersive Interfaces: A Practical Experience with Interactive Storytelling in Gamified Environments – Paula Palomino, Armando Toda, André Luiz Palomino, Grace Lis Porto, Maurício Souza, Carlos Portela, Rodrigo Lisbôa Pereira, Thiago Cordeiro

Explorando a Interação Digital: Tecnologia Assistiva e Aprendizagem para Estudante com AME Tipo 1 – Simone Dombroski, Luciana Borges

Diagnóstico da Plataforma MEC RED: combinando diferentes métodos de avaliação para informar o redesign – Krissia Menezes, Jonas Guerra, Richard Fernando Ferreira, Roberto Pereira, Ana Paula Gonçalves

Diplomacia de Dados e Segurança Energética: Prática do Grupo Focal no uso da Plataforma Enetrix – Yuska Paola Costa Aguiar, Amanda Sousa Galvíncio, Henry Silva, Rafael Magalhães, Pascoal Teófilo Carvalho Gonçalves

Promovendo Cultura de Design em um Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia no Brasil – Mariana Domingues, Eduardo Tanaka

Design Centrado no Usuário na construção de um sistema de gestão de dados para a Equoterapia – Thiago Coleti, Ruan Tirabassi, Gustavo Almeida, Gabriel Oliveira, Vitoria Souza, João Gabriel Nobrega, Gabriel Pelizari Luis

Melhoria da experiência do usuário na Carteira de Trabalho Digital – Danilo Ferreira, Rafael Cordeiro, Robson Oliveira, Filipe Teixeira Marques

Experiência do Usuário na implantação de políticas públicas emergenciais desenvolvidas pela Dataprev: Relato de experiência no Auxílio Reconstrução do Governo Federal – Rafael Cordeiro, Danilo Ferreira, Robson Oliveira,
Filipe Teixeira Marques, Felipe Fonseca

UDESCar: um protótipo do aplicativo de caronas para comunidade acadêmica da UDESC CCT – Débora Langner, Tamy Martins, Isabela Gasparini

Construção de um Protótipo de Alta Fidelidade para Fortalecer a Comunicação e a Permanência Feminina na UDESC-CCT – Ana Beatriz Silva, Letícia Trapp Sampaio, Luis Bet, Mariana Lima, Isabela Gasparini

Call for Papers

The HCI in Practice track is intended for all professionals and researchers from industry or academia, professors and students at all levels interested in presenting their experiences with applying Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to concrete problems. These experiences may involve technical, commercial, social, and management aspects and the main challenges related to the application of HCI methods and techniques in the area of the development of products and services.

In 2024, the HCI in Practice track proposes to give new meaning to practice. And for this, it brings something new! In addition to traditional papers that report experiences with HCI techniques and methods (“Experiences of HCI in practice”), the track will open space for submissions of “HCI practices in practice.” This type of submission involves papers that present new practices or known practices in which the authors wish to collect feedback from the HCI community. The idea is to send a description of the practice and a proposal for its application, which will be carried out during the HCI in the Practice track session. The authors will be able to discuss with the community the pros and cons of applying such practice.

It is an exciting opportunity to exchange experiences between professionals and researchers who apply HCI in Practice. The HCI in Practice track offers a space for critical and reflective discussion for people who use HCI practices in their daily work and those who research and advance knowledge in the area. Thus, it constitutes an environment that encourages the emergence of new opportunities for cooperation, the creation of innovative solutions, the exposure of practical challenges, and the identification of trends, mainly aiming to minimize the gap commonly existing between theory and practice.

The works in the HCI in Practice track differ from papers in other tracks (Research, Innovative Ideas, and Experience report tracks) because they do not need to be defined as part of potentially long-term academic research. The track is focused on the use and application of methods, techniques, and tools that assist in the development and evaluation of HCI.

Topics of Interest

All topics relevant to HCI practice apply to this track, including, but not limited to:

  • Practical application of HCI in remote or hybrid experiences;
  • Practical challenges of user-centered product and service development;
  • Integration of HCI into software development processes;
  • Practical experiences using tools and equipment in HCI;
  • Practical aspects related to the study of user behavior;
  • Use of different technologies (assistive, accessibility, inclusion, persuasive, collaborative, and behavior change).


Submissions must be in Portuguese or English and can be categorized as “Experiences of HCI in Practice” or “HCI Practice in Practice.” For “Experiences of HCI Practice,” submissions should report on real cases and experiences relevant to the HCI field, whether successful or unsuccessful. These cases can come from university projects, companies, government institutions, or startups. In the “HCI Practice in Practice,” submissions can address known and established HCI practices or practices under development or evaluation that can benefit from the IHC community feedback.

Please note that submissions do not require the authors to be anonymized. Regarding industry experiences, it is also important to emphasize that the authors are responsible for the content. It is up to them to obtain authorization from the company to submit the proposal and present the case, if necessary. Accepted papers will be published in the extended proceedings of the event and indexed in SBC OpenLib.

The document for submission through the JEMS system is described below:

Paper as an expanded summary (in .pdf) of at least two pages and a maximum of four (excluding references), following the SBC paper format for publishing the work. In addition to the title, authors, email, affiliation (company name, university, etc.), and references, the submission must include the content below according to the modality:

  1. Experiences of HCI in practice: problem description and the solution/approach adopted; results achieved, conclusions drawn, challenges faced, and lessons learned.
  2. HCI practices in practice: Describe the problem that the practice addresses; describe the potentials of practice; describe the practice; and briefly plan its application, explaining what will be needed to apply it during the event.

The submission must include a short bio of the authors. If desired, authors can record a video of up to 5 minutes (with a link shared via YouTube) to present themselves and/or the case, experience, or practice they want to apply. The link must be provided in the submission paper document.

Authors must follow the Code of Conduct for Authors in Brazilian Computing Society’s Publications.

Acceptance Criteria

Submissions will be evaluated by three members of the program committee, who will consider the approach to the concrete problem, submission adherence (or not) to the HCI track in practice, the clarity of the description of the experience reported or the practice that will be applied, the relevance of the experience or practice to the track, and the contribution to the industry and academic communities.


At least one of the authors of accepted works must register for the Symposium in the Professional category and orally present the work in person in the technical sessions of the event. Only works presented at the conference will be published in the extended symposium proceedings. Detailed information about the presentation format according to each modality will be sent later.


Juliana Jansen Ferreira (IBM Research) – jjansen@br.ibm.com
Luciana Zaina (UFSCar) – lzaina@ufscar.br

Program Committee

André Luís Andrade Menolli – Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná – UENP
Anna Beatriz Marques – Universidade Federal do Ceará
Claudia Cappelli – UERJ – Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro
Daniel Domingos Alves – Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso
Edson Rufino – Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Gabriela Corbari Dos Santos – Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)
Gessé Gerônimo Pereira Evangelista – Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Heloísa Candello – IBM Research
Ildevana Poltronieri – Universidade Federal do Pampa
José Maria David – Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Juliana de Albuquerque G. Saraiva – Universidade Federal da Paraiba
Karla Cruz – Jeeves
Larissa Albano Lopes – Arco Educação
Maria Amelia Eliseo – Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Simone Dornelas Costa – Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Talita C. Pagani Britto – Google Brasil
Thayssa Aguila da Rocha – UFPA – Universidade Federal do Pará
Vinícius Segura – IBM Research
Viviane Ortiz Delvequio – Serasa Experian
Willian Garcias Assuncao – Universidade de Rio Verde

Important Dates

Deadline for submitting proposals: July 22, 2024 (previously July 15)

Results notification: August 18, 2024

Submission of the final version of accepted works: August 29, 2024

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