IHC 2021

Instructions for Publication

The following instructions apply to the tracks listed below. For additional information about the tracks, see the specific pages:

Research Track

Innovative Ideas and Emerging Results Track

Experience Reports Track

Junia Coutinho Anacleto Award

According to the ACM publication workflow, if your article is accepted for publication, you must follow the steps below:

  • Complete the ACM rights form (we will send it later to the authors);
  • Prepare a final version of your article:
    • In Word, the publication template will remain a one-column template, with the same submission template being maintained, with the addition of the “Primary Article Template” Word template, and must also have between 15 and 20 pages, excluding bibliographic references
      • There are separate versions of the “primary article template” for Microsoft Word for Windows, Macintosh Office 2011, and Macintosh Office 2016 
      • Download the version appropriate for your operating system and Microsoft Word version. (The Macintosh Office 2016 version also works with the Microsoft Office 365 version of Microsoft Word for Macintosh.) 
      • This is not a new document but rather a template/add-in to attach to the submission document you sent for review. Please choose the correct template version based on your platform.
    • In Latex, the publication template will be double-column, replacing the command  “\documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart}” in the paper submitted version by \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}”.
      • There is no limit to the number of pages for articles in the two-column publishing template since there may be variations in the number of pages when converting from the submission template (one column) to the publication template (two columns), depending on the content types (text, figures, and tables) in the article. However, after preparing the final version of your article, before making the above command substitution, check whether the number of pages of the article, still in the submission format (with one column), remains within the limit of 15 to 20 pages.
    • For more details, see the ACM instructions for preparing the submission and publication versions of articles in Word and Latex;
  • Fill out the metadata form using the event’s system and following specific instructions.
  • Send, through the JEMS system:
    • The metadata file generated in the previous item;
    • The Publication Authorization Term;
    • The final version of the article, in PDF format;
    • Proof of registration, with payment of the publication fee, where applicable (see the “Conditions for Publication” section below).


After the Publication Coordination sends the article data to the ACM, she will contact the corresponding author by email (therefore, the corresponding author must wait for the email from the ACM) to:

  • Fill out the ACM copyright form;
  • Send the editable article (in Latex or Word) through the TAPS system (The ACM Production System) for processing (make sure you are receiving emails from the address tapsadmin@aptaracorp.awsapps.com, so that you do not miss any important information from TAPS).
  • Review the PDF and HTML versions of your article generated by TAPS, correcting errors if necessary (in this case, you must reprocess or contact TAPS support), and approve the result so that it can be published in the IHC 2024 proceedings.


Accepted papers will be published in the event proceedings and indexed in the ACM Digital Library.

Additional Information on the ACM Publication Workflow

A key motivation behind the new ACM publication workflow is to support multi-format representations (here is an example). To that end, ACM decided to move to a new publishing culture that separates content from presentation. Another motivation is to reduce the manual work and resulting costs of editors to detect and fix problems in manuscripts for production. TAPS and the new template automate many tasks that have been done manually in the past. Some aspects resulting from this change are described below:

  • What the reviewers see during reviewing (single-column) is different from what the final publications look like (double-column);
  • The authors submit proposals in the ACM’s submission format (1-column PDF). If accepted, the authors upload publication-ready source files (single-column Word or double-column LaTeX) to TAPS. TAPS will then generate the double-column PDF and responsive HTML5 document.


We suggest you access the template and familiarize yourself with it before using it. We strongly recommend using the Overleaf template (or, if you prefer, you can work directly with the Latex source files), as it simplifies the subsequent preparation of your article for publication if it is accepted.

Conditions for Publication

Publication is conditional on the registration, in the Professional category, of at least one of the people who participated in the authorship of the paper or, when there is no one registered in this category, on the payment of an additional publication fee, in addition to registration. For the publication of more than one paper linked to the same registration, the publication fee will also be charged for each additional paper. In addition, publication is also conditional on the presentation of the paper during the event. 

For the purpose of speeding up the publication process, people who share the authorship of an accepted paper must fill out forms sent by the Publication Coordination on the stipulated dates. Such forms will be sent to the person listed as the main contact and must be responded to only once by that same person.