IHC 2021

Instructions for Writing and Formatting Articles

The following instructions apply to the main tracks. For additional information about the tracks, see the specific pages:

Research Track

Innovative Ideas and Emerging Results Track

Experience Reports Track

Junia Coutinho Anacleto Award

Articles can be written in English or Portuguese and must have between 15 and 20 pages, excluding bibliographic references.

IHC 2024 will use the “ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article Template” and will follow the ACM publication workflow for publication of the main proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. Therefore, for submission, the one-column submission template will be used, which can be downloaded/accessed, according to the editor you will use to prepare your article, at the links below:


We suggest you access the template and familiarize yourself with it before using it. We strongly recommend using the Overleaf template (or, if you prefer, you can work directly with the Latex source files), as it simplifies the subsequent preparation of your article for publication if it is accepted.

Please use the correct submission template: a single-column format must be used for the reviewing phase. The use of different templates or formats may result in desk rejection.

*If your article is accepted for publication, you will need to create the version of your article that will be published, which will use a two-column template. In this case, you will receive detailed instructions on what you should do to generate the final version of your article and submit it to the ACM article production system (The ACM Publication System – TAPS).

Submissions, with the exception of Junia Coutinho Anacleto Award articles, must be anonymous. Therefore, follow the instructions on anonymization when writing your article.

We strongly encourage authors to pay attention to the accessibility of the articles produced in digital format. We recommend using the SIGCHI Accessibility Guide for Authors and the guide produced by the Accessibility and Usability Center of UNIRIO.

Authors are also encouraged to critically examine their references, background, and methods, striving to avoid and combat different scientific biases (e.g., gender bias, race, ethnicity, social class, disability, etc.)

Before submitting your article, we ask that you make sure you meet the following formatting requirements:

  • Ensure that the title is only in English;
  • Ensure that the keywords are only in English;
  • Ensure that the abstract is only in English and that the section title is set to “Abstract” (and not “Resumo”);
  • Ensure that the “CCS Codes” section is defined according to the ACM standard;
  • Ensure that there is an “ACM reference format” section according to the template;
  • Ensure that the header of even pages contains the event’s name/date/location on the left side and the authors’ names on the right side  (only in the final version, for tracks that adopt double-blind review);
  • Ensure that the header of odd-numbered pages contains the article’s title on the left and the event’s name/date/location on the right;
  • Ensure that the references indicated contain the full name of the authors (according to the template). References are numbered and ordered alphabetically by the last surname of the first author.

Changing the language or authors will not be permitted after submitting the article.

Authors who wish to have some support in using the template, with specific regard to accessibility issues, must express such desire in advance to the IHC 2024 accessibility coordination, respecting the dates defined for the track.

Questions about the submission can be sent directly to the related track chairs.