Site da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação

XX Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems

October 18-22, 2021

The Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computer Systems (IHC) is held by the Special Committee on Human-Computer Interaction of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). It is an itinerant event, every year it takes place in a city in Brazil, in order to reach all regions and enable broad community participation. Being the main event in the Human-Computer Interaction area in Brazil, IHC annually brings together industry professionals, professors, researchers and students interested in scientific and practical research related to the creation, construction and evaluation of computational solutions persons’ use.

The twentieth edition of the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computer Systems will take place completely remotely in 2021, due to the pandemic of COVID-19. With each participant @home, we propose a “local organization” based in Brazil as a whole, rather than in a city. In this way, we can celebrate the diversity in research and culture that, over the years, has built in Brazil a solid, multifaceted and plural HCI community. Like the population in our country, the Brazilian HCI community is made up of different colors, accents and customs – a wealth of human factors that reflects the diversity of our research. Thus, we propose the following theme:

The theme evokes not only the interaction between the community at the event, despite the geographical distance, but also the research in the HCI area carried out around the whole country, which points to the cultural diversity resulting from the great territorial extension and the characteristics of each region of the country.

Traditionally,  the IHC has been an important forum for critical debate not only around innovative ideas and practical computational solutions to everyday problems, but also about the ethical and moral responsibility of those involved in technology design, professional training in Computing and Information and Communication Technology, and about the society we want mediated by technologies that we design.

The Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (IHC) is the main scientific event in the field of Human-Computer Interaction in Brazil. IHC has been successful in disseminating research results, attracting researchers, professors, students and industry professionals involved in the area of Human-Computer Interaction. The integration of different backgrounds, resulting from the interdisciplinarity inherent to Human-Computer Interaction, leads to a vibrant environment for exchanging ideas about work in progress and conducive to the emergence of partnerships, projects, orientations, professional contacts, among others. The symposium is promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC), through the Special Committee on Human-Computer Interaction (CEIHC).

The first edition of IHC was held in the city of Maringá in 1998, as a workshop within the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering; since then IHC has been dissiminating research results in the area of HCI from north to south of the country. In 2000 the event gained autonomy and became part of the series of “Brazilian Symposiums” from SBC. Between 2002 and 2010, IHC took place every two years, alternating with the Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CLIHC). The decision to change its periodicity in 2002 intended to give the Brazilian community, at that time, extended deadlines to carry out empirical research with users and present solid results at each edition of the symposium.

The growth of the HCI community in Brazil, however, was very expressive, both quantitatively and qualitatively, so that, in 2010, the CEIHC assembly gathered during the IX Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems decided to resume the annual periodicity of the event. In 2011, still in conjunction with CLIHC, the symposium was held in Porto de Galinhas, PE. Since then, the number of participants in IHC has been increasing every year. More information about previous editions of the event can be found here.