XXI Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems

October 17-21, 2022

Diamantina - MG, Brasil

The Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (HCI) is an itinerant event that happens each year in a different city in Brazil to reach distinct geographic regions and thus enable broad community participation. After two years of happening remotely, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the twenty-first edition of the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computational Systems (IHC 2022) will be held from October 17 to 22, 2022, in Diamantina, a small city town in the State of Minas Gerais.

With a history of being held in large and medium-sized cities, after more than 20 years of research by the Human-Computer Interaction community in Brazil, the event takes place for the first time in a small town. Thus, the Brazilian HCI community will once again meet in person, after two years of distance,  in a place where its participants will enjoy more excellent physical proximity and the typical hospitality of small towns in the interior of Minas Gerais.

IHC 2022 invites the scientific community to explore the “Paths of Interaction“. The theme refers to the paths members of the HCI community will take to meet themselves in Diamantina and the paths that HCI research in Brazil and the world have traced.

Alluding to the paths that converge and intersect in favor of a common objective, the research paths in Human-Computer Interaction in Brazil have their most significant junction in the HCI. This event has been a great forum where the scientific community presents and discusses ideas to advance research related to the design, use, and evaluation of technologies to improve people’s lives and their impact on society.

a city rich in culture and history

Located in the north-central region of Minas Gerais, 285 km away from Belo Horizonte, Diamantina has about 47,000 inhabitants. The city is one of “Estrada Real” destinations, one of Brazil’s most prosperous cultural and touristic routes, and is part of the touristic circuit of diamond mining cities. With a rich and preserved architectural, cultural, and natural heritage, in the late 1990s, Diamantina received the title of World Cultural Heritage Site from UNESCO. Currently, Diamantina is one of Brazil’s best-known and most visited historical cities. Baroque colonial houses, historic buildings; secular churches; the beautiful natural landscape, and a solid religious, folk, and musical tradition give the town an exceptional singularity.

Cultural events occur throughout the year in Diamantina and the region, such as the Gastronomy Festival, Music Festival, the traditional carnival that attracts tourists from all over Brazil, and the famous Vesperata. In addition, Diamantina is the hometown of personalities like Juscelino Kubitschek and Xica da Silva, whose homes have been preserved and are open to visitors.

Marca do IHC 2022


This year’s symbol seeks to represent the city’s characteristic architectural ensemble. The historic building that inspired the brand was Casa da Glória. Through lines, shapes and minimalist features, a representation of the two houses connected by a walkway that represents the connection and the environment where people can transit between the places on the street was built.

This symbolism highlights the main objective of the event to discuss, research and promote the advancement of technology in its multiple interactions with people. The blue and white colors are the main colors of the visual identity, a feature very present in the city’s works, with the walkway highlighted with a shade of light blue.

Casa da Glória

It is made up of two buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries already connected by a walkway from the Colégio das Irmãs Vicentinas and is now the headquarters of the Instituto Casa da Glória, at UFMG. It is believed that the house was built between 1775 and 1800. It is not known for sure who was responsible for the work, but it is believed that it was Manuel Viana, husband of Dona Josefa Maria da Glória who lived in the house until 1813, from there denomination “Casa da Glória”.

Icon of the city of Diamantina, the so-called “Passadiço da Glória”, which enchants for its grace, was built to connect the two houses that function as an educational center and an orphanage. The work is part of the Diamantina landscape and was a symbol of the ‘Diamantina – Cultural Heritage of Humanity’ campaign.

Meet the IHC

The Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (IHC), promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) through the Special Commission on Human-Computer Interaction (CEIHC), is the principal scientific event in the field of Human-Computer Interaction in Brazil. IHC has been successful in its mission to disseminate research results, attracting researchers, professors, students, and industry professionals interested in scientific research and practices related to the design, construction, and evaluation of computational solutions for use by the people. The integration of different profiles, resulting from the interdisciplinarity inherent to Human-Computer Interaction, results in a vibrant environment for exchanging ideas about works in progress and the emergence of partnerships, projects, orientations, and professional and academic networking.

The first edition of the IHC took place in Maringá in 1998 as a workshop within the Brazilian Symposium of Software Engineering. Since then, it has been publishing research results in the area of HCI from north to south of the country. In 2000, the event gained autonomy and became part of SBC’s “Brazilian Symposiums”. Between 2002 and 2010, the IHC was held every two years, alternating with the Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CLIHC). The decision to change its periodicity in 2002 intended to allow the Brazilian community, then in formation, to extend the deadlines to carry out empirical research with users and present solid results at each edition of the symposium.

However, the growth of the HCI community in Brazil was very expressive, both quantitatively and qualitatively, so that, in 2010, the CEIHC assembly gathered during the IX Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems decided to resume the annual periodicity of the event. In 2011, still in conjunction with CLIHC, the symposium was held in Porto de Galinhas, PE. Since then, the number of participants in IHC has been increasing every year. More information about previous editions of the event can be found here.

About SBC

The Brazilian Computer Society – SBC is a non-profit Scientific Society, founded in July 1978, which brings together students, professors, professionals, researchers and enthusiasts in the area of ​​Computing and Informatics from all over Brazil.

SBC’s role is to foster access to information and culture through computing, promote digital inclusion, encourage research and teaching in computing in Brazil, contributing to the training of computing professionals with social responsibility.

For the organization and dissemination of scientific, technical, educational and political activities, actions and events, SBC maintains a structure of three types of Thematic Groups (GT), which are the Great Areas (GA), the Special Commissions (EC) and Interest Groups (IG). These groups bring together associates with common interests in a subfield of computing.

You are accessing the website of one of SBC’s Special Commissions (EC), which represents a group of SBC members who share interests and values ​​in a certain area of ​​Computing. Current members can subscribe to the Special Commissions (EC) email lists in the area they wish to follow. If you are not yet a member or want to renew your membership in our community, click here and join SBC.



Coordination of Program



