Call for papers

Are expected at this workshop: Exploratory articles, extended summaries of ongoing or completed research, and descriptions of practical cases on human-data interaction, especially related to data literacy, human-data interaction, accessibility, and physicalizations.

Works in the format of pictorials will also be accepted (diagrams, sketches, illustrations, photographs, collages, graphics, etc.) where the visual components are the main means to provide information, having the same importance (if not more) as the accompanying text. Submitted articles must have between 2 and 6 pages in SBC format, in English, Portuguese or Spanish.

Topics of Interest

Authors will be invited to submit works that articulate the areas of HCI and Human-Data Interaction, as well as innovative projects related to this theme with a special interest in social applicability and accessibility. The topics of interest for this workshop are as follows, but are not limited to:

  • data literacy
  • Data physicalization
  • data visualization
  • Explanations of data-driven processes
  • Data Science Involving Humans
  • Accessibility of data and visualizations
  • Human-data interaction in social contexts
  • Human-data interaction in educational contexts
  • Human factors in the context of human-data interaction
  • Theories of human-data interaction
  • Innovative implementation techniques of human-data interaction


In line with the other IHC 2022 workshops, WIDE will adopt the strategy of publishing the final versions of approved articles only after the event has taken place. The final version, with up to ten pages, must be sent after the event, so that the authors can reflect, in the final versions, the suggestions given by the participants of the event. WIDE 2022 articles will be published in SOL.

There is an expectation of a special edition of JIS that will follow its submission schedule for authors of articles in WIDE2022. At the event, we will talk more about this initiative.

For questions, send an email to Luciana Brito at or to Juliana França at

For more details, visit the workshop’s official website:

Program Committe

Adriana Vivacqua – UFRJ

Angélica Dias – UFRJ

Carla Freitas – UFRGS

Caroline Queiroz Santos – UFVJM

Celmar Guimarães da Silva – Unicamp

Doris Kosminsky – UFRJ

ElianeVictorelli – Unicamp

Isabel Meirelles – OCAD University

Julia Giannella – UFF

Juliana França – UFRJ

Julio dos Reis – Unicamp

Luciana Brito – UFRJ

Luciana Salgado – UFF

Luiz Augusto de Macedo Morais – Inria

Nazareno Andrade – UFCG

Rodrigo Medeiros – Cesar School


Luciana Brito (UFRJ) –
Juliana França (UFRJ) –
Luiz Morais (Inria, Talence, France) –
Caroline Queiroz (UFJVM) –
Angélica Dias (UFRJ) –
Adriana Vivacqua (UFRJ) –

Important Dates

Article submission: 08/25/2022, was 08/29/2022
Results notification: 08/30/2022, was 09/19/2022
Presentation at the event: 10/17/2022
The final version (after the event): 11/07/22