Call for Papers

The Workshop on Education in HCI (WEIHC), which will take place during HCI 2022, is the main Brazilian forum in which HCI professors, scientists and students, among others interested in the topic, have a space to (re)think and share experiences, methods and didactic tools for teaching and learning HCI.

In line with the IHC 2022 and the theme “Paths of Interaction”, WEIHC this year will be dedicated to discussing the teaching of IHC in all its ways, starting from the research centers, but reaching all institutions, at different levels, that teach HCI. Thus, the theme of the 2022 WEIHC is “Walking and teaching and welcoming knowledge in the teaching of HCI”.

The event will be in person, in beautiful Diamantina, but with online transmission to HCI teachers from all over Brazil. The event will have space for the presentation and discussion of papers about experiences in HCI teaching and also a panel that aims to promote an overview of 3 essential aspects of HCI teaching: (1) organization of disciplines and their contents, (2) teaching practices and (3) research possibilities at the undergraduate level.

Given the diversity we have in HCI teaching practices, which can be shared, promoting quality education throughout Brazil, we seek to involve everyone in the joint construction of a shared space for the exchange of knowledge. This space aims to transpose the exchange of WEIHC experience beyond the event, as a strategy to bring all HCI professors in Brazil closer together.

We encourage submissions to WEIHC 2022 that discuss, among others, the following topics:

  • Accessibility and inclusion in HCI teaching,
  • Virtual learning environments and other interaction and communication tools,
  • Assessment of learning in HCI,
  • teacher training,
  • Impact on teaching and the dynamism in the teaching modality (classroom, remote, hybrid),
  • Alternative and innovative models in the teaching of HCI,
  • Student guidance on teaching-research topics in HCI (Scientific Initiation, Course Completion Work, Individual work, Internship),
  • Teaching practices in different modalities,
  • Production of teaching materials for learning HCI,
  • Reports of experiences and practices in partnership with Industry,
  • Emerging themes in HCI in student education.


Paper submissions must have anonymous authorship, may be written in English or Portuguese, and must follow the model of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). Submissions must contain 4 to 6 pages (including figures, tables, diagrams, references, and annexes). Authors must submit their submissions electronically, through the JEMS system, in PDF format.

Continuing the format adopted at the last event, WEIHC 2022 will adopt the strategy of publishing the final versions of approved papers only after the event has taken place. Thus, the authors can reflect on the final versions of the suggestions given by the participants of the event. We emphasize that there will not be a new process of peer review of the final version sent after the event and that the limit number of pages remains at six.

Review Process

Each submission will be reviewed by at least three IHC experts. Papers will be selected for publication and presentation based on the quality of the work, the relevance of the experience, and the work’s potential to spark constructive discussions during the workshop. The paper is expected to provide arguments on the relevance and practical implications of its findings for HCI education (preferably supported by data collected from teaching/learning experiences).

Presentation of Works

Paper presentations will be made in person during the event and specific instructions will be given to the authors in due course.


The paid registration of at least one author and the presentation of the work during the workshop, in a format, place, and time to be defined by the coordination, will be required to insert the article in the Extended Proceedings of IHC 2022 at SBC OpenLib.

Program Committee

Coming soon


Vânia Neris (UFSCar) –
Yuska Paola Costa Aguiar (UFPB) –

Important Dates

Paper registration: 08/26/22, was 08/22/22
Paper submission: 09/01/22, was 08/29/22
Notification of results: 09/19/22
Presentation at the event: between 10/17 and 10/21/22
Sending the final version (after the event): 11/07/22