Accepted works

Master’s degree

  • Avaliação de Experiência do Usuário de diferentes regiões do Brasil em sites de notícias: um estudo de caso Norte e Sul – Danilo Teixeira Lima (UFPA), Rita de Cássia Romeiro Paulino (UFPA), Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos (UNIRIO), Marcos César da Rocha Seruffo (UFPA)
  • Avaliação do Engajamento do Usuário em jogos digitais: Comparando dados autorreportados e psicofisiológicos – Rebeca Maia Pontes (UFC), Ticianne Darin (UFC)
  • Padrões radiantes: uma abordagem para promover o bem-estar em jogos digitais – David Motta Miranda (UFC), Ticianne de Gois Ribeiro Darin (UFC)


Doctorate degree

  • Estendendo a IHC para HInt à Luz da Engenharia Semiótica – Glívia Angélica Rodrigues Barbosa (CEFET-MG), Raquel Oliveira Prates (UFMG)
  • Uma abordagem de design de interação para usuários multilíngues – Diego Moreira da Rosa (PUCRS), Milene Selbach Silveira (PUCRG)
  • Proposta de Questionário Padronizado para Avaliação de Experiência de Usuário em Realidade Virtual imersiva – Jean Felipe Patikowski Cheiran (UNIPAMPA/UFRGS), Denise Ruschel Bandeira (UFRGS), Marcelo Soares Pimenta (UFRGS)
  • Modelo para o desenvolvimento de jogos educacionais digitais por educadores do ensino fundamental brasileiro – Joana Gabriela Ribeiro de Souza (UFMG), Raquel Oliveira Prates (UFMG)

Call for papers

The Workshop of Theses and Dissertations in HCI (WTD-IHC) is a forum dedicated to presentation and discussion of ongoing Master’s and Doctoral researches on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and studies devoted to improving social interaction and technology-mediated collaboration. The goal of this workshop is to provide a rich, dynamic environment that:

  1. Promotes the visibility and improvement of ongoing researches;
  2. Offers feedback and suggestions from experienced HCI researchers;
  3. Allows students to improve their scientific writing and presentation skills;
  4. Promotes the exchange of ideas, integration, and collaboration among students and researchers; and
  5. Promotes discussions and presentations of novel and challenging themes.


WTD-IHC submissions must report ongoing research. Research that is concluded or about to be concluded falls out of the workshop’s scope. The following types of work are eligible:

  • Doctoral research with a defined (but not necessarily approved) proposal, with defenses planned to happen from the first semester of 2024 on; and
  • Master’s research with defenses planned from 2023.


You may submit your research to WTD-IHC even if you plan to submit another version of your work to another IHC 2022 track (for instance, papers from research track and from insightful ideas and emerging results track), considering that the focus of the workshop paper should be on the research project. Submissions can be written either in Portuguese or in English.

In 2022, WTD-IHC will also provide a space for discussion on scientific research that includes learning about the accepted works, aiming to improve the training of the future researcher in IHC, discussing research methods, and much more.


Authors must submit two documents in PDF:

  • Document 1. A cover letter containing:
    • Title of the work;
    • Student’s name;
    • Name of supervisor(s);
    • Level (Master’s or Doctorate);
    • Name of the graduate program;
    • Student’s contact email;
    • Supervisor’s contact email;
    • Year of enrollment in the graduate program;
    • Estimated date of defense;
    • Activity schedule, distinguishing what is done (for instance, qualifying, proposal) from what is planned;
    • Abstract in Portuguese or English (with 180 words maximum); and
    • Keywords.


  • Document 2. Extended abstract (with authors’ names and affiliations), up to 4 pages long, including figures, tables, references, and appendices. We strongly recommend using Overleaf’s Latex template. It is also possible to use Latex source files. Optionally, authors can use the MS Word template. In this abstract, we expect the following content:
    • Research goal and problem definition;
    • Theoretical foundations of the research, including a comparison to related work;
    • Intended solution to the problem;
    • Research methodology, explaining how the work will be developed and evaluated;
    • Procedures used to guarantee the ethical aspects of the research according to the methodology used in the work, including information on the approval number at the Ethics Committee, in cases in which it is applicable; and
    • Expected contributions of the work.


Documents must be submitted via the JEMS system. We will desk-reject submissions that exceed four pages or do not follow the publication format. The submissions in JEMS must have supervisors as co-authors.

Review Process

At least three HCI researchers will review each submission. The authors of accepted papers must consider the reviews when preparing the camera-ready version of the extended abstract.

Presentation and Publication

The accepted papers will be presented and discussed during WTD-IHC with invited researchers and members of the program committee. As the workshop consists of a discussion forum for ongoing work, authors must register at the symposium and are expected to actively participate in WTD-IHC, presenting their work and contributing to their peers’ work. The activities and format of the workshop will be announced in time so that participants can prepare themselves to benefit from their participation fully. Accepted papers will be published in the extended proceedings of IHC 2022 on the SBC Open Lib platform, subject to the registration and presentation of the student author at the event.

In the 2022 edition, the WTD-IHC will have a novelty: a specific (closed) mentoring session will be performed between invited researchers and the student authors of the accepted papers to provide more in-depth discussions about their works.

Program Committee

Alessandro Assis (Nuance Communications)
Alex Gomes (UFPE)
Ana Carolina De Marchi (UPF)
Ana Luiza Dias (EMBRAPA)
André da Silva (IFSP/NIED-UNICAMP)
Andrey Pimentel (UFPR)
Anna Beatriz Marques (UFC)
Artur Kronbauer (UNIFACS)
Awdren Fontão (UFMS)
Carla Freitas (UFRGS)
Caroline Queiroz Santos (UFVJM)
Celso Saibel Santos (UFES)
Cesar Collazos (Universidad del Cauca)
Daniela Trevisan (UFF)
Edson Rufino (UFES)
Eduardo Tanaka (Eldorado Research Institute )
Emanuel Coutinho (UFC)
Fernando Figueira Filho (UFRN)
Isabela Gasparini (UDESC)
Jair Leite (UFRN)
João Luiz Bernardes Júnior (USP)
Jorge Campos (UNIFACS)
José Maria David (UFJF)
Leticia Peres (UFPR)
Marcelo Pimenta (UFRGS)
Maria Villela (UFV)
Marilia Mendes (UFC)
Milene Silveira (PUCRS)
Ricardo Caceffo (UNICAMP)
Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel (UFBA)
Roberto Pereira (UFPR)
Simone Barbosa (PUC-Rio)
Yuska Paola Costa Aguiar (UFPB)

WTD-IHC Co-chairs

Marcelle Mota (UFPA) –
Rodrigo Santos (UNIRIO) –

Important Dates

Submission deadline: Jul 11th, 2022, was Jun 27th, 2022
Author notification: Aug 14th, 2022
Camera-ready version: Aug 28th, 2022