Accepted Works and Program

10/18/2022 – Tuesday (morning and afternoon)

  • Avaliação das respostas afetivas no uso de um aplicativo para fruição de serviços digitais” Lesandra Kobus (Fundação CPQD), Ismael M.A. Avila (Fundação CPQD), André P. Rodrigues (CPFL Energia), Larissa J.G. Perini (CPFL Energia)”
  • “MyStory: um prototipo de sistema com vistas à imortalidade digital” “Renan L. L. de Souza (UFMT), Cristiano Maciel (UFMT), Eunice P. dos Santos Nunes (UFMT), Fabiana Freitas Mendes (UnB), Ailton Ribeiro (UFBA)”
  • Pimpolho Kids: Um jogo digital para alfabetização infantil ” Camila Nascimento de Carvalho (IFB), Sylvana Karla S. L. Santos (IFB), Tiago H. F. Segato (IFB)”
  • Ambiente colaborativo de gestão do conhecimento em Interação Humano-Computador para experiência de usuário e usabilidade em transparência dos dados pessoais ” Thiago Adriano Coleti (UENP-CCT), Andre Luis Andrade Menolli (UENP-CCT), Marcelo Morandini (EACH-SP), Carla Fioravante (UENP-CCT), Maria Luiza Moreira de Souza (UENP-CCT), Larissa Amadeu Teixeira (UENP-CCT)”
  • A novel intelligent mobile application using human-centered AR: Acase study in orange inspection “Jonathan C.F. da Silva (UFOP), Mateus Coelho Silva (UFOP), Saul Delabrida (UFOP), Eduardo Jose da Silva Luz (UFOP), Ricardo A.R. Oliveira (UFOP)”
  • Ferramenta para Avaliação de Usabilidade e Experiência de Usuário de Sistemas Conversacionais ” Kevin Katzer (UFPR), Vinícius Binder (UFPR), Guilherme Corredato Guerino (UEM), Natasha M. C. Valentim (UFPR)”
  • Análise de atributos visuais de personagens em jogos de plataforma para dispositivos móveis ” Mateus Pinheiro (UFC), Windson Viana (UFC), Ticianne Darin (UFC)”


10/19/2022 – Wednesday – morning and afternoon

  • Evasão Universitária e Estratégias para Retenção de Alunos com Base em Intervenções Remotas ” Rodolfo S. Sanches (ICMC-USP), Moacir A. Ponti (ICMC-USP), Kamila R. Rodrigues (ICMC-USP)”
  • Análise e Escolha de Dispositivo Vestível para Coletar Dados de Movimento de Crianças do Ensino Fundamental I ” Poliana Nascimento Ferreira (UFABC), Carla Lopes Rodriguez (UFABC), Vivian Genaro Motti (George Mason University)”
  • Boas Praticas para o Design de Jogos Sérios em Ferramentas de Autoria EUD ” Mariana Muri (UFC), Rachel Carvalho (UFC), Tiago Silva (ICMC-USP), Kamila Rodrigues (ICMC-USP), Ticianne Darin (UFC)”
  • – Processador de Texto voltado para a Criatividade ” Giovane Silva Cardoso (IFMG), Ângelo Magno de Jesus (IFMG)”
  • Avaliação dos Termos de Uso, Política de Privacidade e Coleta de Dados do Conecte SUS” Gabriel Vaz (PUCRS), Luiz Henrique Mosmann (PUCRS), Renata Vinadé (PUCRS), Milene Silveira (PUCRS), Rafael Bordini (PUCRS), Rafael Prikladnicki (PUCRS), Sabrina Marczak (PUCRS)”
  • Internet Banking e Políticas de Privacidade de Dados ” Andrea Gnecco (PUCRS), Daniel dos Santos Krug (PUCRS), Ana Carla Gomes da Silva (PUCRS), Nayara Silva das Neves (PUCRS), Afonso Sales (PUCRS), Milene Silveira Selbach (PUCRS)”
  • Análise e Comparação de Usabilidade em Configurações de Privacidade: um Estudo de Caso das Redes Sociais Instagram, Facebook e Twitter ” Nayara Santos (PUCRS), Guilherme Schüler (PUCRS), Julio Sieg (PUCRS), Gustavo Duarte (PUCRS), Cesar Marcon (PUCRS), Isabel Manssour (PUCRS), Márcio Pinho (PUCRS), Sabrina Marczak (PUCRS), Milene Silveira (PUCRS)”


10/20/2022 Thursday – (morning and afternoon)

  • Recording the Learners’ Experience and Personalizing of Teaching with Serious Games in Virtual Reality ” Paula C. Fernandes (UFOP), Arilton J.D. A. Nunes (UFOP), Koda Melo (UFOP), André S.G.M. Pimenta (UFOP), Mariana Rezende (UFOP), Claudia Martins Carneiro (UFOP), Saul Delabrida (UFOP)”
  • Rumo à Concepção de Diretrizes para Design da Gamificação sob a ótica da IHC feminista ” Karine Alessandra Cordova (UDESC), Ana Carolina Tomé Klock (Tampere University), Isabela Gasparini (UDESC)”
  • Camaleão: Uma plataforma para criação de surveys on-line adaptáveis ” Caio Nunes (UFC), Ticianne Darin (UFC)”
  • Avaliação da usabilidade de um chatbot por meio das heurísticas de Nielsen adaptadas ” Natalia Coelho (UFC), Alex Alan Santos (UFC), Naum da Silva (UFC), Pedro da Silva (UFC), Samuel Lima (UFC), Alexandre Arruda (UFC), Anna Beatriz Marques (UFC)”
  • Design de interação com a notação USINN: resultados iniciais sobre a experiência prática de designers ” Victor Feitosa (UFC), Alex Alan Santos (UFC), Maria Victoria Fiori (UFC), Anna Beatriz Marques (UFC)”
  • ChartLab 2.0: Uma Comunicação Simples além dos Gráficos ” Rodrigo Oliveira (UFRJ), Claudia Cappelli (UERJ), Jonice Oliveira (UFRJ)”
  • Proposta de avaliação de usabilidade da interface do usuário do ventilador mecânico Ticê ” Mateus L. da Silva (IFB), Fábio F. Amorim (ESCS), Carlos H.L. Quintero (UnB), Guilhermo A. Bestard (UnB), Sérgio H. Evangelista (UFSCar), Sanderson C. M. Barbalho (UnB), Fábio Henrique M. Oliveira (IFB)”

Call for papers

The virtual poster session is intended for presentations and discussions of work in progress, at an early or intermediate stage, with no consolidated results yet, but relevant to the HCI area and of interest to the event.

Attention: If your work already has consolidated results, or if it is about innovative research focused on the future in HCI, the correct Track for your submission is Innovative Ideas and Emerging Results.

In turn, the demos session is intended for the exhibition of interactive computer systems of the most varied types, underdevelopment or finalized, that are relevant to the HCI area, including, but not limited to: presentation of new design solutions, digital art installations, the conception of new styles of interaction, design solutions, intelligent environments, Internet of Things solutions, augmented and virtual reality, games, among others. In both sessions, submissions from authors seeking to receive constructive input from active members of the HCI community in Brazil are welcome.


As a sub, they must be anonymous, with a limit of 2 to 4 pages, including references, in the aforementioned SBC template formatting. Authors must submit their submissions electronically, through the JEMS system, in PDF format.

Works submitted as virtual posters are expected to contain:

  • Clearly and explicitly defining the contribution and originality of the work: What is the problem? How can your solution approach help? Why is your approach better than others out there?
  • Focus on the contribution of your work rather than the theoretical foundation, including just enough theoretical foundation to make clear how your work differs from existing research;
  • Virtual poster summaries and demos can be selected based on the significance of the problem or the originality of your solution approach.

For demonstrations, in addition to the items listed above, you must include:

  • Description of the system and its scientific and/or technological contribution, including social impacts and Human-Computer Interaction;
  • On a separate page (i.e., in addition to the two-page limit), describe information for operationalization of the demo, such as space required, devices authors intend to bring for demo, audience interaction, etc.

Review Process

Submissions will be reviewed by at least two researchers in the field. In case of disparity and inconsistency between opinions, a third researcher will be invited to carry out the evaluation. A meta-review process may also support the coordination’s final decision. If the submission is accepted, the authors should consider the reviewers’ comments to prepare the final version of the paper.

Presentation and Publication

Accepted papers will be published in the extended proceedings of IHC 2022, indexed in SBC OpenLib. At least one of the authors must register for the event and present the approved work in a collective and interactive exhibition. Unexcused absence from the presentation will result in the cancellation of publication. Virtual posters and demos will be presented in video format during coffee breaks for discussion with participants. The demos will also be presented to the participants in a space designated by the organization of the event. Information about the procedures, recommendations, and resources available at the event will be forwarded to the authors later.

Program committee

Alessandro Rubim Assis (Nuance Communications)
Amanda Meincke Melo (Universidade Federal do Pampa)
Ana Luiza Dias (Embrapa)
André Constantino da Silva (Instituto Federal de São Paulo – Campus Hortolândia / NIED-UNICAMP)
Anna Beatriz Marques (Universidade Federal do Ceará)
Breno Nunes de Sena Keller (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto)
Bruno Azevedo Chagas (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG)
Carla Rodriguez (Universidade Federal do ABC – UFABC)
Celso Alberto Saibel Santos (UFES)
Cristiano Maciel Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT)
Eduardo H. Tanaka Eldorado (Research Institute)
Fábio Henrique Monteiro Oliveira (Instituto Federal de Brasília)
Isabela Gasparini (Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina – UDESC)
Jair Cavalcanti Leite (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte)
José Maria David (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora)
Kadidja Valéria Reginaldo de Oliveira (Instituto Federal de Brasília – Centro Universitário UDF)
Leticia Mara Peres (Universidade Federal do Paraná)
Luciana Martinez Zaina (UFSCAR)
Marilia Soares Mendes (Universidade Federal do Ceará – UFC)
Nayana Carneiro (Universidade Federal do Ceará)
Paulo Andre Ignacio Pontes (Universidade Federal do Pará)
Paulyne M. Jucá (Universidade Federal do Ceará)
Roberto Pereira (Universidade Federal do Paraná)
Tiago Barros Pontes e Silva (Universidade de Brasília – UnB)
Valdemar Vicente Graciano Neto (Universidade Federal de Goiás)


Saul Delabrida (UFOP) –
Sylvana Santos (IF Brasília) –

Important dates

Deadline for submission of proposals: 07/11/2022, was 06/13/2022
Notification of results: 08/15/2022
Guidelines for the production of virtual posters and demos: 08/22/2022
Deadline for submission of posters and demos: 09/05/2022