Accepted Works

An Evaluation Framework for User Experience Using Eye Tracking, Mouse Tracking, Keyboard Input, and Artificial Intelligence: a case study – Kennedy Souza (Universidade Federal do Pará – Brazil), Igor Aviz (Universidade Federal do Pará – Brazil), Harold de Mello Junior (UERJ – Brazil), Karla Figueiredo (Laboratório de Inteligência Computacional e Robótica – Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (U – Brazil), Marley M. B. R. Vellasco (PUC-Rio – Brazil), Fernando Ribeiro Costa (Universidade Federal do Pará – Brazil), Marcos Seruffo (UFPA – Universidade Federal do Para – Brazil)

InsTime: A Case Study on the Co-design of Interactive Installations on Deep Time – Emanuel Felipe Duarte (University of Campinas – Brazil), Yusseli Lizeth Méndez Mendoza (UNICAMP – Brazil), M. Cecília Baranauskas (Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) – Brazil)

UsabilityZero: Can a Bad User Experience Teach Well? – Adriano Lima (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – Brazil), Fabiane Benitti (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – Brazil)

Rufus – An Authoring Platform for Therapeutic Digital Games – Kamila Rodrigues (USP – Brazil), Vania Almeida Neris (UFSCar – Brazil), Paula Souza (Universidade Federal de São Carlos – UFSCar – Brazil), Rodrigo Zavarizz (University of São Paulo – Brazil), Jonattan da Silva (USP – Brazil), Tiago Marino (USP – Brazil), Aline Verhalen (USP – Brazil)

Preventing accessibility barriers: Guidelines for using user interface design patterns in mobile applications – Luciana Zaina (UFSCAR – Brazil), Renata Fortes (ICMC-USP – Brazil), Vitor Casadei (Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) – Brazil), Leonardo Nozaki (Universidade Federal de São Carlos – Brazil), Debora Paiva (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul – Brazil)

UX information in the daily work of an agile team: A distributed cognition analysis – Luciana Zaina (UFSCAR – Brazil), Helen Sharp (The Open University – Great Britain), Leonor Barroca (The Open University – Great Britain)

Coping with Diversity – A System for End-users to Customize Web User Interfaces – Mailson Proença (Universidade Federal de São Carlos – Brazil), Vivian Motti (George Mason University – USA), Kamila Rodrigues (USP – Brazil), Vania Almeida Neris (UFSCar – Brazil)

Investigating Access in Ubiquitous Scenarios: A Case Study and Evaluation Instrument – Josiane Gaia Pimenta (Instituto de Computação – Unicamp / Instituto Federal de São Paulo – IFSP – Brazil), Emanuel Felipe Duarte (University of Campinas – Brazil), Maria Cecilia Baranauskas (Universidade Estadual de Campinas – Brazil)

A qualitative study on the needs of visually impaired users in Brazil for smart home interactive technologies – Otavio de Faria Oliveira (Universidade Federal de Lavras – Brazil), Mateus Carvalho (Universidade Federal de Lavras – Brazil), Raphael Winckler de Bettio (Universidade Federal de Lavras – Brazil), Andre Freire (Universidade Federal de Lavras – Brazil)

Considering emotions and contextual factors in music recommendation – Willian Assuncao (Universidade Federal de São Carlos – Brazil), Luciana Zaina (UFSCAR – Brazil), Lara Piccolo (Open University – Great Britain)

Call for Papers

The IHC 2022 track on International Paper Presentations aims at giving visibility of papers published in international journals/conferences about Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to the participants of the major Brazilian conference around the theme.

Hence, this track provides a space for authors willing to disseminate research papers published in international journals and conferences or who aim to integrate with the Brazilian HCI community, providing awareness to everyone researching HCI inside or outside Brazil.

Selection Criteria

  • Papers accepted/published between 2020 and 2022;
  • Relevance of the contribution to the Brazilian HCI community;
  • Papers accepted/published in international journals (e.g., TOCHI, TACCESS, Interactions, Interacting with Computers, Behaviour & Information Technology, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, UAIS, etc.) and that were not presented to the Brazilian HCI community;
  • Papers accepted/published in high-quality international conferences (e.g., CHI, CSCW, ECSCW, Nordichi, Interact, EICS, IUI, DIS, ASSETS, W4A, CHI PLAY, etc) and that are relevant to the Brazilian HCI community.


The selection will be performed by a committee that will review each submission considering the presented criteria. As a result, authors should expect some brief feedback, presenting the rationale of the committee and the process outcome.


    1. Title: The title can be the same one used in the accepted/published paper;
    2. Abstract: The abstract can be the same one used in the accepted/published paper;
    3. Conference/journal where the paper was accepted/published: Reference in the ACM’s format;
    4. Why would you like to present this paper to the Brazilian HCI community? Is there any work related to this project that was already published in any Brazilian conference? If yes, please, specify. This information will not be used to disqualify the submission. In fact, it will be used to identify works that were presented to the Brazilian HCI community in early stages and that count on recent works not seen by this audience.


Authors must submit a document with the items specified above in PDF format, via the JEMS system.

Important: The authors are responsible for assuring that the submission to this track does not infringe the signed copyright for the accepted/published paper.


  • After acceptance, the authors must submit an extended abstract with up to 2 pages, following the template adopted at IHC 2022’s research track;
  • Considering that the goal of this track is to provide awareness of published works to the Brazilian community, the extended abstracts must be in Portuguese;
  • If authors consider appropriate, the extended abstract can include recent results about the project;


The accepted extended abstracts will be published in the extended proceedings of IHC 2022 on SBC OpenLib.


The selected works will be presented during the IHC 2022 in sessions around related topics. Hence, emphasis will be given to the integration of works selected in this track with other works from the Brazilian HCI community.

Program Committe

Andre Freire (Universidade Federal de Lavras)
Armando Toda (Universidade de Durham e ICMC-USP)
Clodis Boscarioli (Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná)
Cristiano Maciel (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso – UFMT)
Ingrid Monteiro (Universidade Federal do Ceará)
Isabela Gasparini (Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina – UDESC)
Juliana Saraiva (Federal University of Paraiba)
Kamila Rodrigues (USP)
Luciana Zaina (UFSCAR)
Marcelle Mota (Universidade Federal do Pará)
Marcelo Pimenta (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
Milene Silveira (Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS)
Roberto Pereira (UFPR – Universidade Federal do Paraná)
Silvia Amelia Bim (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná)
Simone Barbosa (PUC-Rio)
Tayana Conte (UFAM)
Vania Almeida Neris (UFSCar)


André Pimenta Freire (UFLA) –
Isabela Gasparini (UDESC) –

Important Dates

Prazo de Submissão: 06/26/2022, was 06/06/2022
Notificação: 08/15/2022, was 08/01/2022
Versão final: 08/22/2022, was 08/08/2022