Sessões Técnicas

ST1 - Tutoriais, Visualização de informação e Engenharia de SW

  1. “Understanding Interaction Design Practices in Distributed Software Development: An interview study – Daniel Alves (UFBA),
    Ecivaldo Matos (UFBA)”
  2. Thinking about help systems: analyzing help resources under different dimensions – Carmen Brezolin (IFRS), Milene Silveira (PUCRS)
  3. Diving in the story: exploring tailoring in narrative data visualizations – Claiton Marques Correa (Instituto Federal Farroupilha), Milene Silveira (PUCRS)
  4. Investigating whether people identify how suitable a data visualization is for answering specific analysis questions – Ariane Rodrigues (PUC-Rio), Gabriel Barbosa (PUC-Rio), Helio Lopes (PUC-Rio), Simone Barbosa (PUC-Rio)

ST2 - Experiência do Usuário ​

  1. Evaluating user experience in music discovery on Deezer and Spotify – Willian Assuncao (UFSCAR), Luciana Zaina (UFSCAR)
  2. UX Research in the software industry: an investigation about practices related to UX long-term – Suéllen Martinelli (UFSCAR), Larissa Albano Lopes (PagSeguro PagBank), Luciana Zaina (UFSCAR)
  3. How do ChatBots look like? A Comparative Study on Government Chatbots profiles inside and outside Brazil – Gabriely Oliveira Da Silva Batista (UFF), Mateus de Souza Monteiro (UFF), Luciana Cardoso de Castro Salgado (UFF)
  4. Analysis of transcription tools for Brazilian Portuguese with focus on disfluency detection – Alana Luna (EACH-USP), Fatima Nunes (EACH-USP), Ariane Machado-Lima (EACH-USP)

ST3 - IHC e Jogos Digitais

  1. How are Games for Autistic Children Being Evaluated? – Ana Paula Carvalho (UFMG), Camila Braz (UFMG), Raquel Prates (UFMG)
  2. Its Dark But Just a Game: Towards an ethical and healthy game design practice – David Motta Miranda (UFC), Rebeca Maia Pontes (UFC), Ticianne de Gois Ribeiro Darin (UFC)
  3. Telling your own story: Design and Evaluation of a Storytelling Mechanic in a Platform for Serious Games Authoring – Aline Verhalen (ICMC-USP), Rodrigo Zavarizz (ICMC-USP), Jonattan da Silva(ICMC-USP), Tiago Marino(ICMC-USP), Caio Nunes (UFC), Ticianne Darin (UFC), Kamila Rodrigues (ICMC-USP)

ST4 - Novos Paradigmas de Interação e Computação Ubíqua

  1. Hidden Things and Implicit Interaction: Looking Back on How Invisibility Evolved as a Quality-In-Use Attribute – José Cezar de Souza Filho (UFAM), Andréia Libório (UFC), Eduardo Feitosa (UFAM)
  2. Embodiment in Interactive Installations: Results from a Systematic Literature Review – Emanuel Felipe Duarte (UNICAMP), Yusseli L. Méndez Mendoza (UNICAMP), Jêsca Nobre (UNICAMP), M. Cecília Baranauskas (UNICAMP)
  3. Extending the Ontology, Metacommunication and Communicability of Semiotic Engineering to the emerging paradigm of Human-Computer Integration (HInt) – Glívia Barbosa (CEFET-MG), Raquel Prates (UFMG)

ST5 - Acessibilidade 1​

  1. A survey on accessibility guidelines for users with autism – Yuska Paola Costa Aguiar (UFPB), Anais Godde (Aix-Marseille Université), Maëla Trémaud (Adapei des Pyrénées-Atlantiques), Taciana Pontual Falcão (UFRPE), Thomas Arciszewski (Centre PsyClé), Carole Tardif (Aix-Marseille Université, Centre PsyClé), Edith Galy (Université Côte d’Azur)
  2. Accessibility on social media: exploring congenital blind people’s interaction with visual content – Carolina Sacramento (UNIRIO), Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira (UNIRIO)
  3. Accessibility Assessment of Violations on the Stack Overflow Platform – Ingrid Moreira Miranda da Silva (UFPA), Luciano Teran (UFPA), Marcelle Pereira Mota (UFPA)
  4. Where is the description? Investigating Accessibility Issues in Portuguese Versions of Smart Home Apps – Daniel Mesquita (UFC), Ribamar de Souza Martins (UFC), Maria da Conceição (UFC), Windson Viana (UFC)

ST6 - Aspectos Éticos em IHC, Gêneros e Minorias​

  1. Using Model Cards for Ethical Reflection: A Qualitative Exploration – José Luiz Nunes (FGV Rio), Gabriel Barbosa (PUC-Rio), Clarisse de Souza (PUC-Rio), Helio Lopes (PUC-Rio), Simone Barbosa (PUC-Rio)
  2. Heuristics for computer-mediated human interactions based on consumer rights – Erik Da Costa Nunes (Qconcursos)
  3. Visualizing and Analyzing the Evolution of Authorship and Co-Authorship Networks of Articles from the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems – Franklin Matheus da Costa Lima (UFRN), Leonardo Cunha de Miranda (UFRN), M. Cecília Baranauskas (UNICAMP)
  4. TraduBem: Towards a Text Verification Tool for an Altruistic Language – Marina Cotta Rangel (UFF), Luciana Cardoso de Castro Salgado (UFF), Silvia Amélia Bim (UTFPR)

ST7 - Avaliação em IHC​

  1. Assessment of Visual Aesthetics through Human Judgments: a Systematic Mapping – Adriano Lima (UFSC), Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim (UFSC), Adriano Borgatto (UFSC)
  2. Analyzing Structural Similarity of User Interface Layouts of Android Apps using Deep Learning – Nathalia Alves (UFSC), Leonardo Kreuch (UFSC), Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim (UFSC)
  3. Investigating the use of UAUDG-VI in the Mobile Applications Design for Visually Impaired considering Accessibility, Usability and UX: A Feasibility Study and an Evaluation with Experts – João Ricardo dos S. Rosa (UFPR), Natasha Malveira C. Valentim (UFPR)
  4. A Systematic Mapping Study on Usability and User eXperience Evaluation of Multi-Touch Systems – Guilherme Konopatzki Filho (UFPR), Natasha Valentim (UFPR), Guilherme Guerino (UEM)

ST8 - Indicados a Melhores Artigos da Trilha de Pesquisa​

  1. Automated Assessment of Visual Aesthetics of Android User Interfaces with Deep Learning – Adriano Lima (UFSC), Osvaldo Martins (UFSC), Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim (UFSC), Aldo von Wangenheim (UFSC), Adriano Borgatto (UFSC), Jean Hauck (UFSC)
  2. Childrens Participation in the Design of Digital Artifacts in Rural Schools – Dyego Morais (UFPE), Taciana Pontual Falcão (UFRPE), Patrícia Tedesco (CIn – UFPE)
  3. A systematic mapping study on digital game adaptation dimensions – Caio Carvalho (UFPR), Luciano Teran (UFPA), Marcelle Mota (UFPA), Roberto Pereira (UFPR)
  4. Longitudinal User Experience Studies in the IoT Domain: a Brief Panorama and Challenges to Overcome – Bianca Melo (UFC), Rossana Andrade (UFC), Ticianne Darin (UFC)
  5. Evaluation Methods in Legal Procedures Concerning Digital Accessibility in Brazil: an Analysis of Cases Investigated by the Federal Public Ministry – Delvani Antônio Mateus (UFLA), Fábio da Silva (UFLA), Tiago da Silva (UNIFESP), Andre Freire (UFLA)

ST9 - Softwares Sociais e Interfaces Adaptativas

  1. Design Recommendations for Chatbots to Support People with Depression – Paula Souza (UFSCar), Isabella da Costa Pires (UFSCar), Vivian Motti (George Mason University), Helena Caseli (UFSCar), Jair Barbosa Neto (UFSCar), Larissa Martini (UFSCar), Vania Almeida Neris (UFSCar)
  2. Towards an Ontology-based Approach to Develop Software Systems with Adaptive User Interface – Alexandre Adler Cunha de Freitas (UFES), Murilo Borghardt Scalser (UFES), Monalessa Perini Barcellos (UFES), Simone Dornelas Costa (UFES)
  3. Applying the Engagement by Design Methodology: Perceptions and Lessons Learned – Leonardo Pio Vasconcelos (UFF), Daniela Trevisan (UFF), José Viterbo (UFF)
  4. PTMOL: A Suitable Approach for Modeling Privacy Threats in Online Social Networks – Andrey Rodrigues (UFAM), Maria Villela (UFV), Eduardo Feitosa (UFAM)

ST10 - Legado Digital e Design Participativo

  1. Mine, yours, ours – family discussions on digital legacy – Maria Lira (UFMT), Cristiano Maciel (UFMT), Daniele Trevisan (UFMT), Silvia Amelia Bim (UTFPR),Simone Barbosa (PUC-Rio)
  2. Beyond Life – Systematic Review of Frontier Zones Digital Immortality – Vinicius Ferreira Galvão (UFMT), Cristiano Maciel (UFMT), Vinicius Carvalho Pereira (UFMT)
  3. Participatory Design with Teenagers for Cyberbullying Prevention and Mitigation – André Filipe Pereira de Almeida (UFVJM), Maria Lucia Bento Villela (UFV), Caroline Queiroz Santos (UFVJM), Gabryella Castro Guimarães (UFVJM)
  4. Developing an Edutainment Game for Children with ADHD Based on Socially Aware Design and VCIA Model – Bruno Batista (PUC Minas), Cristiane Nobre (PUC Minas), Lucila Ishitani (PUC Minas)
  5. Customization Guidelines for Mobile Applications from a Universal Design Perspective – Felipe Nery (UFABC), Aquila Santos (UFABC), Beatriz Chicaroni (UFABC), Juliana Cristina Braga (UFABC), André Brandão (UFABC), Joao Paulo Gois (UFABC)

ST11 - Acessibilidade 2​

  1. Interaction Paths Between Users on the Autistic Spectrum and Technologies: Scope Review of the Brazilian Symposium IHC – Jocivaldo Vanzeler (UFPA), Gleyciane Freitas (UFPA), Josué Viana (UFPA), Isadora Santos (UFRA), Fabricio Farias (UFPA), Carlos Portela (UFPA)
  2. Towards Accessibility for Users with Autism: A Comparative Analysis of Guidelines – Douglas Cardins (UFPB),Yuska Paola Costa Aguiar (UFPB), Juliana Saraiva (UFPB), Tiago Maritan (UFPB), Juliana Araujo (UFPB)
  3. Contextual Exploration of Mathematical Formulae on the Web for People with Visual Disabilities in Brazil with an Open-Source Screen Reader – Herlon Guedes (UFLA), Paula Figueira Cardoso (UFLA), Willian Watanabe (UTFPR), Andre Freire (UFLA)
  4. Are user reviews useful for identifying accessibility issues that autistic users face? An exploratory study – Mara Santiago (UFC), Anna Beatriz Marques (UFC)

Conteúdo dessa página



  1. Developing a Set of Design Patterns Specific for the Design of User Interfaces for Autistic Users
    Dayanne Gomes (UFMA), Nathasha Pinto (UFMA), Aurea Melo (UEA), Ivana Márcia Maia (IFMA), Anselmo Cardoso de Paiva (UFMA), Raimundo Barreto (UFAM), Davi Viana (UFMA), Luis Rivero (UFMA)
  2. Flying colors: Using color blindness simulations in the development of accessible mobile games
    Mateus Carneiro (UFC), Windson Viana (UFC), Rossana Andrade (UFC), Ticianne Darin (UFC)
  3. Image Descriptions’ Limitations for People with Visual Impairments: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?
    Alessandra Jandrey (PUC-RS), Duncan Ruiz (PUC-RS), Milene Silveira (PUC-RS)
  4. Making Design of Experiments (DOE) accessible for everyone: Prototype design and evaluation
    Fabiani de Souza (CPQD), Gabriela Vechini (UNICAMP), Graziella Bonadia (CPQD)
  5. The Windows 10’s Color Filter Feature as an Aid for Color Blind People in the Use of Websites
    Isa Maria de Paiva (UNIRIO), Sean Siqueira (UNIRIO), Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira (UNIRIO)
  6. When just Ok, is not Ok – An Experimental Study through Sequential Chronological Cuts, with Prescriptive and Semantic Analyzes on the Dynamic Translation by VLibras Avatar
    André Silva (UNIRIO), Tatiane Militão de Sá (UFF), Ruan Diniz (PUC Campinas), Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira (UNIRIO), Sean Siqueira (UNIRIO), Saulo Cabral Bourguignon (UFF)
  7. Evaluation of Assistive Technologies from the perspective of Usability, User Experience and Accessibility: a Systematic Mapping Study
    Tatiany Xavier de Godoi (UFPR), Guilherme Guerino (UEM), Natasha Valentim (UFPR)